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Panama Elections 2024: Political Parties, Candidates Etc.

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Presidential candidates stay mum on Tribunal gag order


Posted 08/10/2023

Romulo Roux, presidential candidate of the alliance between Cambio Democrático (CD) and the Panameñista Party, is the only candidate to question the decision of the Electoral Tribunal (TE) to order journalist Álvaro Alvarado and the digital media Foco y Claramente,  to suspend publications on social networks of images or videos of Ricardo Martinelli, presidential candidate of the Realizing Goals party.

“ It is worrying that, at this point, we are putting freedom of expression, which is a requirement for our democracy, at risk. We already see that in this electoral process, we are not only going to decide who will be the next president, but that the future of our democratic system is at stake," the politician wrote on the social network X.

José Isabel Blandón, president of the Panameñista Party and Roux's running mate, also repudiated the TE's order.

“Totally against prohibiting the media from publishing images, the name or news of a political figure. It is an attack against democracy and freedom of expression. Do you want to turn back history and return us to the times of the dictatorship? "What times these are when the corrupt do not want people to talk about their corruption and the courts help silence those who denounce them," he wrote on the same social network.

Diego Quijano, president of the National Council of Journalism (CNP) said, the measures adopted by the TE are “disproportionate” and represent a direct “attack” on freedoms of the press and expression.

“That the admission of a complaint to order media and journalists to stop making publications about a candidate for the Presidency establishes a disastrous precedent that encourages censorship in favor of those who do not want to be criticized,” he said.

Quijano asked the Electoral Court to reconsider and understand the risk to democracy, in the midst of the electoral process, represented by decisions such as the one adopted by the National Directorate of Electoral Organization.

How easy it will be to silence the media, journalists, and citizens if all that is needed is to file a complaint. With this, the electoral process, whose purity the Electoral Court claims to ensure, will be flawed,” he said.

Edwin Cabrera, a political analyst, also repudiated the measure. “ I have always understood that @tepanama regulates and interprets electoral matters. I have never known that it regulates the exercise of freedom of expression and access to information. Prohibiting @AlvaroAlvaradoC and @focopanama from using Ricardo Martinelli's image is an aberration,” he posted.


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Son of PRD founder gets party expulsion notice


 Posted 10/10/2023

Former Panama president, Martín Torrijos received notice of the expulsion process from the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), - founded by his father Omar Torrijos -while in a meeting with his campaign team the presidential candidate of the Popular Party (PP)on  Monday, October  9.

Torrijos received the envoy from the prosecutor's office of the Court of Honor and Discipline, who explained to him that the process is related to the complaint that Víctor De Gracia filed against him last September. The envoy explained that since the complaint complies with all the formal requirements, it was admitted, so now the investigation period opens and Torrijos will have the opportunity to make his formal defenses.

With him were former deputies Juan Carlos Arosemena and Raúl Rodríguez; the former ministers, Rosario Turner and Francisco Sánchez Cárdenas, and his lawyer James Bernard, among others.

In a video posted on his social networks, he said: “They can expel me from the party, but they will not be able to remove me from the hearts of the thousands of Torrijistas who still remain within the PRD. “They won’t intimidate me.” In a message to PRD members moving to expel him, he said on the Telemetro Reporta newscast he said: “I thank you for getting me out of that corrupt parking lot ”.

“I say thank you, we will see you in May and there we will see who represents the PRD.

Torrijos is not the only PRD member who is running as a presidential candidate, outside the PRD banner.

Deputy Zulay Rodríguez is a presidential candidate and candidate for re-election through free nomination, and two weeks ago she accepted the Realizing Goals (RM), Ricardo Martinelli's party, nomination as mayor of San Miguelito.

There is no expulsion process underway against Rodríguez within the PRD.

An expulsion process was opened against Torrijos after he was nominated by the PP for the 2024 elections.


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Marta de Martinelli declines  Vice President candidacy


Posted 11/10/2023

Marta de Martinelli declined her candidacy as vice president of Panama, for the Realizing Goals (RM) party and Alianza through a letter addressed to the Electoral Organization Directorate of the Electoral Tribunal on Tuesday, October 11.

 The resignation was communicated on Tuesday, October 10, in a notarized note sent to the Electoral Organization Directorate of the Electoral Tribunal (TE).

Linares de Martinelli alleges an alleged intention of the TE to hinder her application, making interpretations about the constitutionality or otherwise of her candidacy, which, according to her, is the sole responsibility of the Supreme Court not of the TE magistrates.

“In no way will I lend myself to this 'dirty game', which is why I have decided to resign my candidacy as vice president of the Alliance to Save Panama payroll,” she wrote.

Shortly after, the TE issued a statement in which it “strongly” rejects the “absurd and unfounded” accusations of the former first lady.

In the letter, Linares de Martinelli reiterated that the country needs the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, for this group, “ to have the opportunity to choose his running mate to accompany him in the May 2024 elections, but “There is overwhelming fear on the part of supporters that they could affect the future of this payroll .”

In the Electoral Court bulletin on Wednesday, the entity accepted the resignation of Linares de Martinelli and proceeded to annul the resolutions where her candidacy for the position of vice president was admitted.

On September 24, the former president announced his wife as his running mate for the May 5, 2024 elections.

Several reactions arose regarding her nomination, some related to article 193 of the Constitution, which states who cannot be elected vice president of the Republic.


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Ex-Security Minister replaces Martinelli’s wife as running mate in 2024 election

 Posted 14/10/2023

The Realizing Goals (RM) party and former president Martinelli, announced  Saturday that his running mate in the  2024 presidential elections will be José Raúl Mulino who served as Minister of Security during Martinelli's presidential term.

 He will fill the gap left by the resignation of Marta Linares de Martinelli as a candidate for vice presidency.

The National Directorate of the RM party voted for Martinelli's decision. With 56 valid votes out of 58, zero blank votes, and zero null votes,

The voting process in the RM Board of Directors was a single question: “Do you approve the proposed candidacy for the vice presidency of the Republic for the election on May 5, 2024?” The decision came down to a “yes” or a “no.”

After the decision was announced, former president Martinelli used his X account (formerly Twitter) to congratulate the election of his partner, with a "Welcome aboard brother."


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Two PRD candidates with criminal convictions are barred


 Posted 17/10/2023

The Electoral Court (TE) has alerted the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) that two of the candidates who had been chosen in primary elections will not be able to participate in the general elections on May 5, 2024, because they have criminal convictions.

According to the president of the National Election Commission, Víctor Vergara, the political parties and candidates for free nomination are subject to an agreement signed between the Electoral Court and the Public Ministry in which each candidate signs a declaration accepting that information is collected about their criminal and police history. He maintained that, in effect, there are two cases of disqualifications of candidates who won the primaries and that prior to this last application process that closes on October 31, the PRD was informed that there were two specific disqualifications, one from the province of Los Santos, in the district of Las Tablas, and another in a township in the district of Mariato, in the province of Veraguas.

 According to Vergara, when the TE  observes that there is a sentence greater than 60 months, it informs the party that that person cannot run for the position to which he aspires."These issues are quite drastic, since a person who is sanctioned for more than 60 months, according to how the rule is written, is disqualified for life from exercising his right to be elected," said Vergara.


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Social media's role in the up coming elections


 Posted 08/12/2023

Two months before the start of the electoral campaign period, concerns are emerging about whether the Electoral Tribunal (TE) is prepared to face the challenge of social networks and digital platforms, ahead of the May 5 elections.

For technological experts, it is a very broad issue, not only affecting Panama but globally, for which it is important to implement rules that regulate the abusive use of networks during these processes, without affecting freedom of expression.

“The Electoral Tribunal could never be prepared, this is a very complex issue and they do not have the capacity in numbers, which can only be achieved with a lot of personnel to manage, monitor, and attack dirty campaigns, which will be their biggest trigger during this election process,” said Rogelio Alvarado, a software developer with more than 26 years of experience.

Borris Barios, the former electoral prosecutor, said that “in this process, we are going to experience dirty and negative campaigns in the worst way because what is being presented to us in a pre-electoral year is being very difficult on social networks.” He added: “I find it difficult for the TE to establish an effective mechanism to control this situation. It does not apply to the management of personal networks.”

Likewise, Pedro Solís, president of the Panamanian Broadcasting Association (APR), pointed out that “misinformation is another challenge; the use of artificial intelligence in the generation and dissemination of political content stands out.”

The Center for Digital Studies and Monitoring of the TE is the one who has the task of handling these cases.


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Catholic Church launches election campaign jingle


Posted 01/01/2024

The Catholic Church launched a campaign on Sunday, December 31 to raise awareness among citizens about their right and duty to participate with a “conscious and informed” vote in the general elections of 2024.

During  Sunday's mass, presided over by Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa, a jingle and music video titled “I am Panama, with good values” was broadcast, which is part of the I Decide campaign.

The mass was televised and took place in the Cathedral Basilica of Santa María la Antigua.

Ulloa said he hopes “this jingle becomes an anthem for every Panamanian because we hope that it motivates them to promote and defend the democratic, ethical and moral values, which must be placed as part of the foundations for a Better Panama.”

According to the Catholic Church, the piece offers an innovative proposal, through lyrics with a strong call to assume the commitment to vote consciously, with a modern rhythm, in which youth is significantly taken into account and at the same time older citizens are allowed to be identified.

On Sunday, May 5, Panama will return to the polls to elect the president of the Republic, the vice president, 20 deputies to the Central American Parliament (Parlacen), 71 deputies to the National Assembly, 81 mayors, 701 township representatives, and 11 councilors, all with their respective substitutes.


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Martin Torrijos has no interest in PRD move to expel him


Posted 11/01/2024

Former president Martin Torrijos and presidential candidate for the Popular Party, referred on January 10 to the process that is being followed regarding his expulsion from the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD).

Torrijos confirmed that, that on Wednesday he was notified about the continuation of the process and that an evidentiary procedure will be carried out. For this reason, he was summoned this Thursday, January 11, starting at 4:30 pm at the PRD headquarters for the said procedure.

However, he could decide if he wants to send his lawyer. Torrijos reiterated that he has no interest in the procedure they will carry out or its outcome.


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Martinelli and Carrizo “eliminated” from presidential  race – Ruben Blades


 Posted 21/01/2024

Panamanian singer-songwriter Rubén Blades in his first political analysis of the year considers “eliminated” the chances of winning for presidential candidates Ricardo Martinelli, Melitón Arrocha, José Gabriel Gaby Carrizo, Zulay Rodríguez and Maribel Gordón.

He sees the choice between Ricardo Lombana, Martín Torrijos, and Rómulo Roux but he says “none of the three currently seems to convince or enchant the electorate on a massive scale.”

 It suggests according to Blades, a division of the vote for the elections of May 5 of this year, "never seen before", and does not rule out the possibility of someone becoming president with less than 30% of the vote.

“Without boasting of being a wise man, a political scientist, or a prophet, I objectively perceive that the candidate to win is Rómulo Roux,” says Blades, who was the presidential standard bearer of the defunct Papa Egoró party, for the 1994 elections, a tournament in which he came third.

In the 2019 elections, Laurentino Cortizo, the PRD candidate, won the presidency with 33% of the votes. While Roux, CD's standard-bearer, came in second place with 31%.

The artist also remembers that Roux was about to win the 2019 elections but today he is “accused of responsibility for the mining debacle,” as he is part of Morgan & Morgan, a law firm that represented Minera Panamá in the signing of the contract with the state; and that for some, says Blades, transforms him into a “losing candidate.”

“Lombana and Torrijos are going to divide the vote” of those who define themselves as anti-traditional parties, independents, early voters, and voters disenchanted with other parties.

“The Martinelli factor: For the person declared corrupt, the urgency lies in leaving him alone after his political disqualification with his economic capacity intact. I don't see him imprisoned. They will sentence him to prison in the country, something that he is fulfilling because if he set foot outside Panama today he could be arrested (....)."

Martinelli, presidential candidate of the Realizing Goals (RM) and Alianza parties, was sentenced to 128 months in prison and paid a fine of $19.2 million, for laundering public funds to acquire the shares of Editora Panamá América, SA (Epasa), in the New Business case.

The sentence was handed down last July by criminal judge Baloisa Marquínez and ratified by the Superior Court for the Settlement of Criminal Cases.

However, his legal team appealed the measure before the Criminal Chamber of the Court, an office that must decide whether to admit it.

Blades reveals several “unknowns.” He asks if the young people, who protested against the mining contract last October and November, will go to the polls next May, and if so, will they vote for Lombana? , since he affirms that only the massive support of new voters could create the “momentum” that allows Lombana to surpass Roux.

He also states that no one knows “what” Lombana, Torrijos, Roux, and Blandón will do or say in the coming weeks, “but what they do could cause an increase or decrease in possible popular support at the polls.”

But Blades also has an analysis of the possible future of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), a group whose candidate is Vice President José Gabriel Gaby Carrizo.

He says that the PRD leadership “already knows that they will not repeat and must be actively negotiating spaces so as not to lose their positions in the post-May 2024 power banquet.”

“The Roux-Blandón list is by far the favorite with which to conclude political arrangements, especially in the legislative field.” win the election, given the “imminent disqualification of Martinelli” and the antagonism of Lombana and Torrijos towards the PRD and the RM party.

The PRD board is made up mainly of powerful deputies of the National Assembly: Benicio Robinson (president), Crispano Adames (first vice president), Raúl Pineda (third undersecretary), and Ricardo Torres (fourth undersecretary), among others.


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Electoral Tribunal will investigate candidates with suspect funding

Posted 24/01/2024

The presiding judge of the Electoral Tribunal, Alfredo Juncá, said that candidates who are violating the electoral ban and using funds of dubious origin will be investigated.

“ When they do not have a sanction, we will be there monitoring, supervising. Do not think that because nothing has happened at this time, there are no ongoing investigations,” he stressed.

“ Do not think that because no one has knocked on your door to ask you how much you are spending, you will not be touched at some point ,” J uncá reiterated .

According to the presiding magistrate of the TE, they are concerned about the way in which the candidates are investing money “ of dubious reputation .”

He urged the Electoral Prosecutor's Office to do its part in the criminal sphere because the Electoral Court is doing its part in the administrative part.

The  Electoral Tribunal (TE)  presented Tuesday the new tools they have prepared for the general elections on May 5, among them, the official launch of its first website  “ verifiedcontigo.com ”


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Electoral Tribunal will investigate candidates with suspect funding


Posted 24/01/2024

The presiding judge of the Electoral Tribunal, Alfredo Juncá, said that candidates who are violating the electoral ban and using funds of dubious origin will be investigated.

“ When they do not have a sanction, we will be there monitoring, supervising. Do not think that because nothing has happened at this time, there are no ongoing investigations,” he stressed.

“ Do not think that because no one has knocked on your door to ask you how much you are spending, you will not be touched at some point ,” J uncá reiterated .

According to the presiding magistrate of the TE, they are concerned about the way in which the candidates are investing money “ of dubious reputation .”

He urged the Electoral Prosecutor's Office to do its part in the criminal sphere because the Electoral Court is doing its part in the administrative part.

The  Electoral Tribunal (TE)  presented Tuesday the new tools they have prepared for the general elections on May 5, among them, the official launch of its first website  “ verifiedcontigo.com ”


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Business Chamber calls for clientism-free  election  campaigns


Posted 28/01/2024

With the start of the campaigns for Panama’s general elections on May 5, the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (Cciap) called on Sunday for all candidates to participate in an electoral process focused on concrete proposals and solutions, completely removed from "clientelist practices" and others that have characterized previous elections.

According to the Chamber, at a time when national challenges require visionary leadership, they advocate for an approach that addresses critical issues such as institutions, education, water challenges, health, employment, and entrepreneurship; fundamental aspects for economic reactivation, as well as for human and social development.

They added that citizens deserve a change not only in the traditional way of carrying out the campaign but also in focusing attention on the issues that matter for Panama's sustainable development. They highlighted that civil society and the different unions will be more attentive than ever to avoid clientelism, which does not offer real solutions with concrete execution plans.

The Cciap indicated that it will make the conclusions of its Country Agenda available to each presidential candidate. They also urged the candidates to proactively address the strengthening of government institutions, consolidating citizens' trust in the system through transparency, accountability, and respect for the laws.

In addition, they urged that they present clear strategies and concrete measures, strengthening the integrity of the State and promoting an environment conducive to investment and economic development. They also pointed out that the reactivation of the economy must occupy a central place in the candidates' proposals.


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Martinelli family of convicted felons seeks return to power


Martinelli and sons in happier times.

Posted 31/01/2024

Former President Ricardo Martinelli , and his two sons Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, are running for election on May 5, through the platforms provided by the Realizing Goals (RM) and Alianza parties.

The former president  in addition to being the presidential candidate of the political pact between RM and Alianza, also aspires to be a deputy for the townships of Don Bosco, Juan Díaz, Parque Lefevre, Río Abajo and San Francisco. There he has his co-partisan, the lawyer Alejandro Pérez, as his substitute.

Martinelli's candidacies hang in the balance because he was sentenced to 128 months in prison and a fine of $19.2 million for money laundering in the New Business case, regarding the purchase of the shares of Editora Panamá América, SA (Epasa) with public funds. His appeal in the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court has not yet been resolved.

In the event that Martinelli is disqualified, his substitutes will be the ones who will compete. The presidential candidate of RM-Alianza would be José Raúl Mulino.

The former governor's eldest son, Ricardo Alberto Rica Martinelli Linares , will be a candidate for substitute deputy for RM and Alianza in the Las Palmas, Soná and La Mesa, in Veraguas.

In turn, Rica Martinelli was nominated by RM as substitute deputy for Carlos Outten in the Central American Parliament (Parlacen) . Currently, both are deputies of that international organization.


Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares were imprisoned in the US for money laundering. When that country expelled them, they returned to Panama and were sworn in as Central American parliamentarians

Both face prosecution in Panama for alleged money laundering in the Blue Apple and Odebrecht cases. As they are now members of Parlacen their cases will go to the Supreme Court.

Before they took office in Parlacen, the Martinelli Linares brothers were convicted in New York,  of conspiracy to launder at least $28 million in bribes from Odebrecht.

Like his brother Ricardo Alberto, Luis Enrique was nominated by the RM party as a candidate for substitute deputy for Giselle Burillo in Parlacen.

Luis Enrique will also compete as a substitute deputy for José Muñoz Molina in the townships of Tocumen, 24 de Diciembre, Pacora, Las Garzas and San Martín, among others.

Muñoz is the president of the Alianza party and is currently a representative of the town of Tocumen. He was president of the National Assembly during Martinelli's presidency.

With these strategic nominations, the Martinelli family not only seeks to return to the center of the Panamanian political scene, but would also bet on shielding their judicial cases and would ensure a significant share of power in areas of influence in the country.


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Eight presidential hopefuls launch their campaigns


Posted 04/02/2024

The gloves are off in the 90-day run-up to the May 5 elections with eight candidates vying to become president of Panama in what is widely expected to become a no-holds-barred contest.

On Saturday, February 2 the contenders hit the campaign trail early with the candidate of the Other Path Movement (MOCA) , Ricardo Lombana arriving at Merca Panamá at 7.30 am with his running mate, Michael Chen.

The second candidate for the Palacio de Las Garzas  Zulay Rodríguez launched her campaign in San Miguelito where  she also competes as a representative and mayor.

Free nomination candidate, Maribel Gordón, chose the Jesús de Nazaret community, in the district of Chilibre , north of the capital, as the setting for her launch. She was  accompanied by her running mate Richard Morales

 Martín Torrijos, nominated by the Popular Party, was expected to start, Sunday in Los Bohíos Alegres, hut, appeared Saturday walking in the eastern area of the capital.

He visited the townships of Las Mañanitas and walked through the streets of San Joaquín, Pedregal, the neighborhood of Luis 'Matador' Tejada, a former soccer player who died last Sunday.

The launch of the the coalition of the Realizing Goals (RM) and Alianza parties,  was in Plaza Santa Ana,   where José Raúl Mulino, who must now take the presidential candidacy, said that he has been walking the country for years and that the People complain about the high cost of the basic basket.

Present at the RM rally was the former director of the General Directorate of Revenue , Luis Cucalón, who had a measure of house arrest for the corruption of public servants to the detriment of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The former official had been sentenced to 96 months in prison.

However, the Judicial Branch, in a statement released last year, reported that in a previous hearing, October 23, 2023, was set as the end of the sentence.

The candidate of the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), José Gabriel Carrizo, held a rally at the group's headquarters on Mexico Avenue, Calidonia district, referring to the message he has received in some sectors and has gone viral on social networks “you are not going.”

At the start of the campaign, he began to use the phrase to advantage “you are not going” against unemployment, medicines, and street closures.

“A few months ago many imagined that they had finished and destroyed our candidacy, and our party. But they were wrong. Here I am with more strength and energy to start our great electoral campaign with a single objective: to win the elections on May 5,”

Rómulo Roux candidate for the Alliance of Democratic Change (CD) and Panameñista, launched his campaign in  Concepción, Bugaba, Chiriquí, sending the message that “they will govern the same for all provinces”, without the distinction between the interior and the capital. Roux was accompanied by his running mate and president of the Panameñista Party, José Isabel Blandon.

He said he shares the people’s indignation at seeing how a corrupt political system has damaged the country.

He concluded by inviting the population not to miss out on moving towards a better future: “That future begins today. It depends on all of us, on what together we do for our country.”

The candidate for free nomination, Melitón Arrocha, toured the district of Arraiján in Panama Oeste and is expected to go to Penonomé, in Coclé today.


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The changing views of a presidential candidate

 Posted 11/02/2024

In June 2021, the Nicaraguan regime, led by Daniel Ortega, attacked its opponents. It was an election year and anyone who opposed him would suffer the consequences of his fury with prison or exile.

  José Raúl Mulino the former Minister of Security and now a presidential candidate for the Realizing Goals and Alliance parties, coalition issued his opinion: “Given the crisis in Nicaragua, our Foreign Ministry should call in consult our Ambassador to that government [Nicaragua]. It is a contradiction to have normal relations in a country with an openly dictatorial government. “This is what other governments are doing.”

The message came from a man who had also been chancellor during the administration of Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014) , who is currently sentenced to more than 10 years in prison and to pay a multi-million-dollar fine in the New Business case.

However, now that he aspires to reach the Palacio de Las Garzas, his position has changed or he appears to be less critical of the Ortega regime. On social network X he said: “Given Panama's decision versus Nicaragua's decision, I see an international conflict coming. The right to qualify and decide on asylum is the unquestionable power of the Asylum State. My experience from the Foreign Ministry allows me to affirm this.”

 The former minister was referring to Panama's decision to deny safe passage for Martinelli's departure to Nicaragua, based on Article 1 of the 1928 Asylum Convention and the 1933 Convention on Political Asylum. As will be remembered, the Central American country gave asylum to the former president, something that for the assistant secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States Department of State, Brian Nichols, undermines the “rule of law and justice.”

Martinelli was convicted of laundering public funds to acquire shares of Editora Panamá América, SA (Epasa), in December 2010, in the New Business case. The sentence, of 128 months in prison and a fine of $19.2 million, was handed down last July by criminal judge Baloísa Marquínez and ratified by the Superior Court for the Settlement of Criminal Cases.

But Mulino has not been the only one who modified his position on Nicaragua. In 2019, one of Martinelli's spokespersons, Luis Eduardo Camacho, questioned, on the social network.

“Dictatorships raise them and the devil brings them together. To the fools who believe that tigers become vegetarians, I give Cortizo [Laurentino Cortizo] and the leadership of the PRD, gift-wrapped,”

Also in 2022, Representative Mayín Correa called for “picketing” in front of the Nicaraguan embassy in Panama. However, this week she entered the embassy, to visit Martinelli.

Thus, Mulino, Correa, and Camacho, once critical voices of the Ortega regime in Nicaragua, now changed their position on what is happening in that Central American country. All in solidarity with a character who unites their destinies and who today is a reference for corruption scandals of Martinelli says La Prensa.


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Mulino will represent RM coalition in presidential debates


José Raúl Mulino.

Posted 11/02/2024

José Raúl Mulino, candidate for vice president for the Realizing Goals (RM) and Alianza alliance, will represent the slate in the presidential debates.

The decision is made because of the current situation of Ricardo Martinelli who has been asylum in the Nicaraguan embassy in Panama since February 7.

Martinelli faces a sentence of 10 years and 8 months in prison for the crime of money laundering in the New Business case.

The resolution of the Electoral Court is reflected in the Plenary agreement 6-1 and published in the Electoral Bulletin.

The first will take place on February 21 and will be hosted by the University of Panama and TVN Media as producer, with priorities in sectors of social service, education, migration, citizen security, unemployment, the Insurance Fund Social, and health in general.

The second debate will be held on March 13, under the coordination of the Panamanian Debate Association (ASPADE) and the TV production company, with the particularity of the “Town Hall” format (participatory public), which includes topics of interest to young people 18 to 29 years old.

The third debate will be held by the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP), produced by Corporación Medcom. It will be on April 17 and will focus on issues such as economic growth, democratic institutions, quality education, social security,  and health.


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Mulino’s eligibility to run for president questioned


If Mulino was not chosen in a primary, can he be RM's presidential candidate?

Posted 19/02/2024

The Electoral Code , in article 352, maintains that political parties that have more than 100 thousand adherents - such as Realizing Goals (RM) - must choose their presidential candidate through a secret vote in a primary election, writes Monica Palm in  La Prensa before going on to question if Martinelli’s replacement is eligible to run for president.  

RM chose Ricardo Martinelli as its presidential candidate in an internal election, on June 4, 2023. Three other candidates participated in that race: Rubén Darío Campos, Francisco Ameglio, and David Ochy.

Article 352 of the Electoral Code states that “the candidate for vice president will be designated by the presidential candidate and ratified by the national board” of the political party. Thus, on September 24, Martinelli proposed to his wife Marta as his running mate, which was immediately confirmed by the members of the RM board.

But on October 10, Marta de Martinelli sent a letter to the Electoral Tribunal (TE), in which she reported her resignation from that candidacy.

With Marta's resignation, the figure of José Raúl Mulino emerged: he was chosen as her replacement and ratified by the boards of directors of RM and its ally, the Alianza party, on October 14, 2023.

Along the way, Martinelli was sentenced to 10 years and 8 months in prison for money laundering in the New Business case. The sentence was handed down by criminal judge Baloisa Marquínez last July; confirmed by a higher court in October, and is now “in the process of becoming enforceable” (in the TE's own words), after the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court refused to admit an appeal filed by the defense of Martinelli, to avoid his entry into prison. Since February 7, the convicted man has been holed up in the Nicaraguan embassy, waiting for the safe passage that will allow him to escape.

The TE warned Sunday that it is about to complete the disqualification process before the electoral jurisdiction. Faced with the inevitable, Martinelli tries to impose his potential votes on Mulino. “Martinelli is Mulino and Mulino is Martinelli,” they repeat in RM. Mulino, meanwhile, has said that he is “ready” to assume the presidential candidacy.

Until the lawyer Publio Cortés appeared, to remind the entire virtual community of the social network X  that article 352 of the Electoral Code exists.

Cortés recognizes that, since last June 7, Martinelli has a TE record, which accredits him as a presidential candidate for RM. Mulino's situation is very different: “No one ever voted in RM for Mulino to be a candidate or for anything,” he emphasized. His choice was “hand-by-hand.”

He understands that the New Business conviction disqualifies Martinelli, but “there is no rule that says that the candidate for vice president becomes a candidate. And he cannot rise, because he was not chosen in primary elections.”

There is also Article 177 of the Constitution, which states that with the president of the Republic, a vice president will also be chosen.

“RM cannot appear on the ballot with only a 'candidate' for president and leave the vice president box blank, because that is blatantly unconstitutional. And it cannot 'fill the vacancy' at this point either, because all the terms for appointing candidates have already passed," Cortés said.

According to his criteria, what should happen is that RM runs out of presidential payroll by May 5.

His message was soon answered by Alma Cortés (no relation) undersecretary of RM. She claims that the RM board ratified Mulino and was not chosen “by hand.”

Publio Cortes was also disqualified by former First Lady Marta. “Educate yourself before giving your opinion,” she wrote in X.


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If elected president Mulino would “help” Martinelli dodge prison sentence


Posted 19/02/2024

José Raúl Mulino, the stand-in presidential candidate of the Realizing Goals (RM) party, warned that if he wins the election on May 5, he will look for a way to “help” Ricardo Martinelli not serve the 128-month prison sentence he received. for money laundering.

Mulino, in an interview with Telemetro Reporta (TR) on Monday, February 19, said that he still does not know if this help will materialize through a presidential pardon or a safe passage to travel to Nicaragua.

“That is a topic that I have to study at the time, but I am going to help him. And I say this so that there are no surprises because the antecedents are in the accumulation of violations that he has suffered throughout this time. The one who likes it well and the one who doesn't like it too," said Mulino, adding that Martinelli (whose conviction for money laundering has already gone through three instances and is final) has been treated in an "embarrassing," "aberrant" and " manipulated” by the Panamanian justice system.

“That means that if you become President of the Republic, will you not allow Mr. Martinelli to serve that sentence of 10 years and 8 months in prison?” journalist and news anchor Dorcas De La Rosa asked him.

“I'm going to help him,” Mulino responded.

"That, translated, means that he is not going to comply...", the journalist insisted.

"Yes, exactly. I have no reason not to do it. I tell you sincerely. That will have to be analyzed by the lawyers at the time, to know what path to follow,” Mulino replied.

“If you win the election and if Mr. Martinelli remains holed up in the Nicaraguan embassy, would you give him safe conduct?” asked TR co-host Atenógenes Rodríguez.

“Of course we do and then we'll fix it. I have to comply with what the law says. That is my position at the moment,” Mulino noted.

On February 2, the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice did not admit an appeal that Martinelli's defense presented, to prevent him from serving his sentence of 128 months in prison and a fine of $19.2 million, for money laundering. capital to acquire the shares of Editora Panamá América, SA (Epasa), in December 2010.

Immediately afterward, on February 7, Martinelli entered the Nicaraguan embassy, alleging that there was an alleged plan to assassinate him.

 Nicaragua has granted him political asylum, but the Panamanian Foreign Ministry has not granted him safe passage.

The Electoral Court (TE) indicated that Martinelli's disqualification as RM's presidential candidate "is in process." Once this process is completed, Mulino (whom Martinelli chose as his vice president) would be the presidential candidate.


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Presidential Candidate Facing Money Laundering Trial


Posted 21/02/2024

On February 29, the plenary session of the Supreme Court (CSJ) will hold the hearing on charges against the presidential candidate and deputy seeking re-election, Zulay Rodríguez, for alleged money laundering, abuse of trust, illicit association to commit a crime and against the administration of justice.

Through an edict released this Wednesday, February 21 at the CSJ secretariat, the parties have been informed of the decision.

The investigation has its origins in a complaint filed by Diana Clemente Cardona, wife of the now-deceased Mexican merchant José Luis Penagos, who in 2009 was detained at the Tocumen International Airport when he was en route to Colombia.

On that occasion, several gold plates were confiscated from Penagos under the argument that they had not been declared and that, according to the authorities, they had traces of methamphetamines.

In 2013, Penagos hired Rodríguez's legal services to claim the seized material, but at the end of the judicial process, he accused her of having appropriated 66 kilos of gold. Rodríguez stated that Penagos never paid her and that the gold was her payment for her professional services


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Overreaching for the political cookie jar sparks debate


Posted 22/02/2024

Although the regulations allow it, when a candidate's grab for the political cookie jar overreaches, it can spark an intense debate about transparency and fairness in the upcoming elections in May 2024.

The independent deputy Juan Diego Vásquez made this known in the Budget Commission of the National Assembly to the magistrate of the Electoral Tribunal (TE), Luis Guerra : “Let's not lie, magistrates, let's not tell the country that these elections are free, fair and equitable.”

Vásquez was referring to the use of the electoral subsidy by candidates who aspire to several positions. “There are candidacies that receive presidential subsidies for free nomination, which also coincide with candidacies through political parties and free nominations for other elected positions,” he said.

In the country, candidates are running for various popularly elected positions. The most emblematic case is that of the representative of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Zulay Rodríguez, who is currently a presidential candidate and representative of San Miguelito through free nomination. She is running as a candidate for mayor of that district for the Realizing Goals (RM) and Alianza parties.

Also on the list are Sergio Gálvez, who is a candidate for Mayor of Panama for the RM and Alianza parties. His running mate is Jackeline Muñoz, current representative of the Central American Parliament (Parlacen).

But the duo is not satisfied with that. Muñoz aspires to be re-elected in Parlacen and to do so, Alianza, the party of her father, José Muñoz Molina, guaranteed her nomination: she is number one on the list. Gálvez, in addition to seeking re-election as a deputy of the Assembly, now with the RM party, wants to be re-elected as a representative of the El Chorrillo community board, an institution that he has dominated for over 30 years.

In this group of candidates for various positions for the coalition made up of the RM and Alianza parties are the brothers Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares.

The first is a substitute for RM's Parlacen and at the same time Alianza nominated him as a substitute for the candidate for deputy Tomás Benavides, in Veraguas.

For his part, Luis Enrique, in addition to being a substitute for Parlacen deputy for RM, is also José Muñoz Molina's second in his candidacy for deputy for the 8-6 vote.

The deputies
Several of the current PRD deputies are seeking to occupy more than one position in the next elections. For example, Jairo Bolota Salazar intends to repeat the strategy that he used in the current five-year period: to be elected deputy for the 3-1 circuit (Colón) and also as a representative of the district of Barrio Norte.

His colleague Benicio Robinson, who is also president of the PRD, seeks to be re-elected as deputy of Bocas del Toro, at the same time he aspires to occupy a position in Parlacen.

Javier Sucre is among those seeking re-election as a deputy, but he also aims to maintain his position in the Juan Díaz Community Board,  in the capital. In the 2019 elections, he was also elected as a representative of this local government, although he delegated the management of that office to his sister Imelda.

The former president of the National Assembly, Crispiano Adames, intends to ensure his re-election as deputy of the circuit, which includes San Felipe, El Chorrillo, Santa Ana, Calidonia, Curundú, Ancón, Bella Vista, Betania and Pueblo Nuevo. In addition, he has been nominated to occupy a position in Parlacen.

Another case
The controversial mayor of Colón, Alex Lee is also running for two positions: he has the ambition of maintaining his position as mayor. He also intends to secure his place on the Barrio Sur Community Board.

 The representative Génesis Arjona is a candidate for representative of the Democratic Change party in Panama North and at the same time she wants to be a representative of Alcalde Díaz's district.

The Panamanista  Jorge Herrera is trying to retain both the seat of Aguadulce) and the mayor of Aguadulce, in the province of Coclé. In the 2019 elections, he won both positions. However, he preferred to serve the municipality and handed over the position in the Assembly to his substitute Bernardino González.

During the Budget Commission meeting, the Electoral Court magistrate Luis Guerra said the controversy over multiple nominations can be resolved with legislation. “As much as the Court wants to do the job, there are things that are difficult for us because the law does not accompany us. We have to put a stop to this, it's either one thing or the other,” Guerra said.

In September 2021, a ruling by the Supreme Court determined that the nomination of the same candidate for more than one popularly elected position is not unconstitutional, as well as the power of the Electoral Court to determine which of the positions the elected candidate will hold if he does not resign from one of them within a term. five days after the elections.


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Call for lifting of electoral criminal jurisdiction for ex-Iharfu boss


Bernado Meneses

Posted 28/02/2024

Three Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Offices requested on Tuesday, February 27  the lifting of electoral criminal jurisdiction for a candidate for deputy of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), Bernardo “Nando” Meneses, former director of the Institute for the Training and Use of Human Resources ( Ifarhu) who is under investigation for embezzlement related to the delivery of economic aid, when Meneses was director of Ifarhu.

Now, it is up to the Electoral Court to submit the request to internal procedures to decide whether it is appropriate or not, given that we are in the middle of an electoral tournament.

The financial aid scandal began at the end of 2022 when it was revealed that children of deputies and those close to the Government had benefited from sums exceeding $100,000.

In April 2023, the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information  (Antai) reported that it had not found anomalies in the delivery of economic aid, but it had found legal loopholes.

At the time, Meneses indicated that, with the delivery of these benefits to the people as mentioned above, the law is not violated, since the norm does not establish any type of distinction, meanwhile, a change in its wording would be required to guarantee that economic aid is only given to low-income people.

Meneses is being investigated for the alleged excess of functions and embezzlement of public funds.


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The miracle of San Miguelito – more voters than residents


Posted 03/03/2024

In San Miguelito, one of Panama's most densely populated districts, In at least three of its townships, the number of voters significantly exceeds the number of residents reports La Prensa.

In the district of about 280,000 inhabitants, there are nine townships: Amelia Denis de Icaza, Belisario Porras, José Domingo Espinar, Mateo Iturralde, Victoriano Lorenzo, Arnulfo Arias, Belisario Frías, Omar Torrijos and Rufina Alfaro.

However, the Register of the Electoral Tribunal (TE) and the data produced by the XII National Population and Housing Censuses show that in the townships of Belisario Frías, Mateo Iturralde, and Omar Torrijos there are more voters than residents.

For example, in Belisario Frías there are 36,520 voters according to the registry, but 33,072 residents according to the census. In the case of Mateo Iturralde, the proportion is 12,207 voters and 9,638 residents, while in Omar Torrijos 33,677 people are registered to go to the polls, but there are 32,403 residents.


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Ricardo Martinelli Disqualified as a Presidential Candidate


Posted 05/03/2024

The Electoral Court on Monday March 4th announced the disqualification of Ricardo Martinelli as a candidate for the presidency of the Republic, for the Realizing Goals and Alliance parties, regarding the general elections on May 5th.  The "unanimous" decision was made after the judges of the Electoral Court held a 10-hour session, where they analyzed the sentencing resolution against the former president of the Republic, Ricardo Martinelli, for the crime of money laundering in the purchase of Editora Panamá América (Epasa), in the New Business case.  The Electoral Court confirmed that on Monday March 4th it received a copy of the final sentence regarding Mr. Martinelli, the sentence of more than 10 years in prison for the crime of money laundering.  In addition, Martinelli must pay a fine of $19.2 million within one year


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Martinelli Newest Legal Appeal is for Reconsideration


Posted 08/03/2024

Ricardo Martinelli's defense presented an Appeal for Reconsideration before the Electoral Court, where they claim to revoke the agreement of March 4th that disqualified him as a candidate for President of Panama and as a deputy.  In an extensive writing, lawyer Alejandro Pérez warned that Judge Baloisa Marquínez may have committed the crime of falsehood by stating that the mixed sentence in the New Business case was enforceable, when it is not final, because the situation of six acquitted defendants’ remains to be defined, whose fate pending appeals will be presented by the Prosecutor's Office.  Alejandro Pérez alerted judges Eduardo Valdés Escoffery, Alfredo Juncá and Luis Guerra, who may act in the same manner as Baloisa Marquínez, by accepting a falsehood as valid.  He also warned that since Martinelli's nominations are firm, there is no provision in the Electoral Code that allows them to cancel Martinelli’s nomination, unless he wins and his proclamation is challenged.  In the brief, it is highlighted that in the agreement of judges Valdés, Juncá and Guerra there is no reference to electoral jurisprudence to disqualify Martinelli's candidacy... no reference is made to any jurisprudence.  Pérez also cites that articles 615 and 620 establish aspects of disqualification that begin with electoral administrative prosecutors and electoral administrative judges. They also highlight that the second instance is the plenary session before the magistrates.  They also point to the statements of Judge Valdés on February 4th in "Open Debate", where he warns of the double instance and then the Electoral Court itself issues two statements reiterating this double instance.  The Reconsideration maintains that the plenary session of the magistrates is not the competent authority in the first instance to abrogate knowledge of the disqualification process.  Another aspect that is pointed out is the non-compliance with article 645 of the Electoral Code, which states that Martinelli must be notified personally and, as an asylum seeker, it must be processed through the Chancellery.  Furthermore, it is noted that the due process of the double instance was not complied with. 


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Meet Some of the Candidates for President of Panama. Election May 5th



From left to right: Rómulo Roux, from the CD-Panameñista Party alliance; José Gabriel Carrizo, from the PRD-Molirena pact; Martín Torrijos, of the PP; and Ricardo Lombana, from MOCA.
Posted 09/03/2024

José Gabriel Gaby Carrizo sang “El Rey”, the emblematic song by José Alfredo Jiménez, in an activity for International Women's Day. Martín Torrijos promised a joint cabinet. Rómulo Roux committed to equal pay for women. Ricardo Lombana published a video in which he criticizes two of his adversaries for excessive political propaganda.  José Raúl Mulino visited Herrera and Los Santos. Melitón Arrocha is committed to the creation of the Ministry of Planning. Zulay Rodríguez announced that she will close the border with Colombia (Darién) to stop irregular migration. Meanwhile, Maribel Gordón appeals to the strength of women to transform society. This is a snapshot of the movements of the presidential candidates before the May 5th elections and just before the second debate, an event that will be held on Wednesday, March 13 in David, Chiriquí.


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