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Traffic cops nail 3,566 drivers in 48 hours


Posted 23/01/2022

Traffic Police registered some 3,566 infractions,  in 48 hours of which speeding topped the bill.

According to a report from the National Police, on Saturday morning 1,740 sanctions were counted and on Sunday the figure reached 1,826.

According to data from the authorities, 1,021 tickets were applied for speeding, the most, followed by proven drunkenness with 87.

On the other hand, the National Police reported that as part of Operation Genesis, in the last 24 hours, 153 people were apprehended, of which 76 were for trades, 63 for administrative offenses, 12 for flagrancy, and 2 for micro-trafficking.


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Tougher sanctions  for drunk driving and speeding


Posted 11/02/2022

The Transit and Transportation Authority (ATTT) is proposing an increase in the cost of penalties for proven drunkenness, speeding, and others as measure to combat vehicle accidents that, due to alcohol consumption, have ended human lives.

In a statement issued on February 10, the entity states that, in addition to alcohol consumption, there has been a significant increase in speeding violations- As well as violations for the use of mobile phones while driving, which is the main cause of minor accidents.

The director of the National Directorate of Traffic Operations, Fernando Sanjur, added a technical table that he is studying to modify Executive Decree No. 640, which establishes the Traffic Regulations of Panama, to extend the retention time of the license in case of drunkenness. and speeding.

Another of the proposals is to establish a time limit of seven years for the application of aggravating circumstances for recidivism, ignoring this measure for those drivers who, while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, cause a traffic accident, injuries personal injury, or property damage.


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  • Moderator_03 changed the title to Driving violations: Tickets and Fines
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2,328  tickets issued in 24 hours


Posted 17/04/2022

A total of 2,328 traffic violations were placed in the last 24 hours, nationwide. Of the sanctions, 52 were for proven drunkenness, 846 for speeding, and   75 for inadequate lights, reported the Traffic Operations Directorate of the National Police.


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  • 5 months later...
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Infractions swell as traffic returns to normal


Posted 23/09/2022

With   three months to go to year’s end statistics from the Traffic Operations Directorate (DNOT) of the National Police,  reveal that  to date 418,541 tickets have been handed out – 8,750 more than for the whole of last year.

The most infractions are for speeding (127,353), disregarding signals (57,904), and driving with inadequate lights (22, 955). While for proven drunkenness 10 thousand 605 tickets have been applied and, for alcoholic breath, there are 3,208, according to official figures.

"Statistically, the years 2020 and 2021 were irregular due to the pandemic... this year's figures, due to the activities and festivities in the provinces, have influenced the increase," said the DNOT.

In 2022 the infraction for contempt was reactivated, which is why "some 2,3 34 drivers have already been caught in contempt for late payment of infractions."

Traffic accidents
Until the month of September, the DNOT has attended 23, 305 traffic accidents, where 70 people have died.

The DNOT called on drivers to respect speed limits, especially when they are on the Pan-American highway, in addition to avoiding being behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol.

Citizens were reminded of the importance of pedestrian crossings and avoiding crossing avenues in areas with poor lighting.


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  • 4 months later...
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Carnival-time ticket bonanza


Posted 20/02/2023

In the first 72 hours of Carnival, the National Directorate of Transit Operations reported over 6,000  traffic violations nationwide and one fatality.

According to preliminary reports, between Friday and Sunday, 6,171 fines have been placed for different infractions, and sanctions for speeding stand out with 1,581.

Guillermo Guzmán, from Transit Operations, announced that during these first three days, 285 drivers who were found to be drunk were taken off the road.

Th ere 280 vehicle accidents with 84 injured and Sunday the first fatality was registered, in the district of San Carlos, in Panama Oeste.

On the other hand, the National Police reported that during the weekend 410 people wanted by the authorities were apprehended nationwide. On Sunday at least 20 were located in the Carnival on the Cinta Costera.

There have been four fatalities from acts of violence in different parts of the country.


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