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Dog Camp Need Your Help!! Two New Rescued!

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Today, we were cleaning the room where Hope passed away, we left a nice, big, clean bed, bowls of water and food totally clean, we closed the door thinking, we don't have a dog that needs this area these days, we mean, a dog in really bad condition. So, Two hours later, we received a message with the pictures of this dog, so we couldn't say no.
This dog is a male dog and his little puppy, both are very skinny and afraid but with patience, good food, a warm bed and a safe area, they will get better very soon.
Please we need your help, they will need a complete blood test, maybe medicine, vitamins and we don't know what else.
Please consider to make a donation
* Panama Global Bank account - saving account Nº 16332030338
* PayPal paypal.me/kirstenmiaquimby be sure to include a note saying it's for DogCamp
  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Dog Camp Need Your Help!! Two New Rescued!

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