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Dog Camp has had a difficult past two months. Numbers are up, dogs requiring medical needs increased and yet donations are down. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our greatest need is for dog food. With 50+ dogs, we go thru about 45 large bags of dog food a month... thats more than 1 bag PER DAY. Please consider bringing a bag of dog food to the Dog Camp table during the Tuesday Market. Our table is on the Tap Out side, right in the parking lot.
Our dogs are YOUR DOGS so please help out if possible. Our dogs are praying you will help out as best you can.
HELP us to continue helping animals!
* Panama Global Bank account - saving account Nº 16332030338
* PayPal paypal.me/kirstenmiaquimby be sure to include a note saying its for DogCamp
If you have good stuff you would like to donate, please bring them to the Tuesday Market or contact us and we can go and pick it up 68306858! We will have a great Small yard sale with great stuff.
  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Dog Camp Boquete Needs Your Help

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