Moderators Moderator_02 Posted June 9, 2021 Moderators Posted June 9, 2021 Quote Illegal vaccination center raided 08/06/2021 The Public Ministry and units of the National Police carried out raids on Tuesday, June 8 in the Coco Del Mar Suites building as part of an investigation for illegal Covid-19 vaccinations sparked by a La Prensa investigation. They also raided the Vidatec clinical laboratory, on Calle 64, in the San Francisco district. Earlier in the day President Cortizo reacted to illegal vaccination calling those who participated in the activity 'stupid and gross' who could be victims of a scam The Vidatec and Cordón de Vida Specialized Clinical Laboratories issued a statement amid the scandal that surrounds them. They assure that " they are not part of nor have they authorized any of their companies to carry out vaccination activities against covid-19 ." The Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, went to the Public Ministry (MP) to file a complaint for the unauthorized vaccination. According to Sucre, the Ministry does not know where the Pfizer vaccines come from that are applied - clandestinely - at the Coco del Mar Suites building, attended by personnel in Vidatec and Cordón de Vida uniforms. The director of the metropolitan region of Health, Israel Cedeño, even questioned that the vaccines are, in fact, from Pfizer. Currently, the sale of anti-covid vaccines is prohibited. Pharmaceutical houses sell the product only to governments, not to private companies. In Panama, the vaccination is carried out directly by the Minsa, at no cost. A La Prensa report stated that Coco del Mar Suites charged up to $200 for the Pfizer vaccine. Only last Monday, June 7, at least 17 people went to the facilities to get vaccinated. Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted June 9, 2021 Author Moderators Posted June 9, 2021 Quote Lab company in center of vaccination storm fires manager Denisse Vega at the Coco del Mar office 08/06/2021 The board of directors of the Vidatec and Cordón de Vida laboratories trying to distance themselves from the illegal vaccination scandal has fired its general manager. President Cortizo, questioned the authenticity of the vaccine applied at Coco del Mar Suites, by Vidatec and Cordón de Vida staff for $200 per person. Supposedly they apply the dose of Pfizer, whose sale is prohibited and is only acquired and supplied (free) by the Ministry of Health (Minsa). "I do not know if those doses are real, but we are going to know," warned the president during the act of delivery of the order to proceed with the construction of highways. The president asked the population to be vaccinated only in places approved by the health authorities. The Vidatec and Cordón de Vida board of directors ordered the separation of its manager Denisse Vega de Murzi on Tuesday, the same day that La Prensa published that personnel from these laboratories are applying anticovid vaccines (presumably from Pfizer) in a location in the Coco del Mar Suites, owned by Vega de Murzi. "This surprised us and internally we proceeded to suspend it, in addition to being available to collaborate with whatever is necessary with the Public Ministry," Alberto Alemán Zubieta, president and director of Laboratorios Vidatec, SA told La Prensa. Vega is the manager of both laboratories, where about 150 people work. In addition, she is on the Vidatec board of directors, as secretary. Her mother and husband are also on the board of directors, according to information from the Public Registry. Alemán Zubieta said that inside the company they are investigating who were those who were vaccinated, but clarified that the premises in Coco del Mar Suites are not owned by the laboratories. The directors of the companies proceeded to appoint a new manager after the separation of Vega. As La Prensa was able to verify, personnel from the Vidatec and Cordón de Vida companies were present at the vaccination site in Coco del Mar, as was Vega, who appears in the directives of both companies and who confirmed that the building where the clandestine vaccination was taking vaccination is her property. The board of directors also issued a statement, which says that "they do not form or have authorized any of our companies to carry out vaccination activities against Covid-19 ." According to this statement, the board of directors had no knowledge of the operation of this anticovid vaccination center, where alleged doses of Pfizer were applied to 17 people, on Monday, June 7. Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted June 9, 2021 Author Moderators Posted June 9, 2021 Quote Clandestine vaccinations uncovered A newly vaccinated patient leaves the Coco del Mar vaccine center 08/06/2021 Health authorities must carry out a thorough investigation in the case of an alleged clandestine vaccination that this media confirmed yesterday. It is a serious complaint, in which it would be necessary to determine if there was a fraud or if the people who were vaccinated received immunization doses from third parties that are under the strict custody of the Ministry of Health and the Social Security Fund. If the latter is the case, it is necessary to clarify how they reached private hands, if they were sold. And if this operation was never approved by the competent authority, then the weight of the law should fall on all those involved, since these vaccines would have been paid for with money from the State. And the punishment needs to be exemplary, both as if these were false vaccines and if they were true, since, in any case, it would be gambling with the health of the people who received these doses, clandestinely. But also, if it was a theft of vaccines, there is no doubt that their custodians will have to be investigated, if there were orders to deliver them and, in that case, who issued them. Health authorities risk their reputations on this investigation. LA PRENSA, Jun. 8 Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted June 10, 2021 Author Moderators Posted June 10, 2021 Quote Government enabled vaccine black market 09/06/2021 The Health Minister has asked the population to be vigilant against clandestine vaccinations, such as the one discovered last Monday. This request is absurd for several reasons. The first, because the population has done it, not only in the case of vaccines - which several complaints have made about it, including the quasi-clandestine vaccination in the National Assembly - but in innumerable situations of evident corruption without consequences for anyone. So, a vigil in that direction is almost useless. Second, the Government has been in the custody of the vaccines all the time and what has happened shows the weakness of its controls, because we have seen that not even with the police is the property of Panamanians respected. On the other hand, it is worth wondering if those vaccinated clandestinely are entirely to blame for this black market. It was the Government that decided to maintain absolute control of the vaccines, despite the fact that private sector hospitals offered to administer the vaccine at no cost. No, not all the fault lies with the vaccinated. The erratic vaccination schedule - which has displaced the chronically ill - also leads to despair. And the fault of that also belongs to the Government LA PRENSA, Jun. 9 Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted June 11, 2021 Author Moderators Posted June 11, 2021 Quote Health Counselor and Vice President react to innuendos Eyra Ruiz denies friendship Posted 10/06/2021 The investigations led by the Public Ministry of clandestine vaccinations in Coco del Mar have fired up accusations on social media of close connections between Ministry of Health counselor Eyra Ruiz and Denisse Vega former manager of a laboratory linked to the scandal. On Wednesday, June 9 Ruiz told La Estrella that they have not given any instructions to work with a private clinic or laboratory to vaccinate and much less to sell them. "Let the justice do what it has to do and that the prosecution investigates if those vaccines came from outside, if they were saline solution vaccines or if these vaccines came from somewhere in the National Government, which I am sure they are not because we have not given no instructions to work with any clinic or any private laboratory to give vaccines and sell them, ”Ruiz said. She pointed out that Denisse Vega, a member of the board of directors of Vidatec and Cordón de Vida, companies accused of using their premises for clandestine vaccination, is only known. “She offers the laboratory service as she offers it to all gynecologists in the country. In fact, she is a professional woman and I have always had respect for her like any professional woman, but to say that I practically have coffee and cookies with her and tea every day is not true. I really know the father Dr. Mario Vega, who is a gynecologist like me, and I know what the family must be going through." Meanwhile Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo, announced that he will proceed legally against the promoters of attacks, infamies, lies, and slander against him and his family. after social networks mentioned supposed friendships of a relative of Carrizo with people who presumably may be linked to this fact. On Wednesday Carrizo on his Twitter account posted messages referring to the ‘attacks.’ “For long months I have endured with stoicism a myriad of insults, reproaches, and slander, despite the fact that they lack any foundation," he said. He stressed that so far, he has proceeded by virtue of being an elected official and convinced that, as such, he must respect public scrutiny. However, he stressed that "it is intolerable that in the face of not responding to completely unjust accusations, the attacks are directed towards members of my family, pointing out alleged links with inappropriate matters, which can only be conceived by unhealthy minds." Carrizo warned that he reserves the right to proceed legally against those who may be the material authors or promoters of the “infamies”. Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted June 12, 2021 Author Moderators Posted June 12, 2021 Quote Clandestine vaccination probe heats up Jerónimo Mejía, Posted 11/06/2021 The Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office is looking for the concierge of the Coco del Mar Suites building, and the 17 people who were vaccinated (presumably with the dose of Pfizer), last Monday as part of the investigation into the operation of an alleged clandestine anti-covid vaccination center, denounced by La Prensa earlier this week. The sources did not specify if these people would be charged in the process that, according to prosecutor Ruth Morcillo, is instructed by the alleged commission of crimes against the public administration, since the Ministry of Health (Minsa) is the only competent institution to manage vaccines against covid-19. As part of the process, the staff of the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office also began to analyze the documents found in room 9 of the Coco del Mar Suites building, as well as the material collected in the Vidatec laboratory offices, on Calle 64 San Francisco, during two separate raids carried out by the prosecutor on Tuesday afternoon, a few hours after the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, filed a complaint related to the alleged clandestine vaccination center. Sources linked to the investigation revealed that the prosecution also requested information about local 9 of the Coco del Mar Suites building, where the alleged clandestine vaccination center operated, to establish who its owner is or if it was rented. Denisse Vega, until last Tuesday manager of Vidatec and Cordón de Vida laboratories –suspended by the board of directors of the companies as a result of the scandal–, admitted to La Prensa that she was the owner of that building. She was seen and photographed last Monday at Local 9 of the Coco del Mar Suites building, but later claimed to have absolutely nothing to do with the alleged clandestine vaccination center that would operate there. Personnel from Vidatec and Cordón de Vida laboratories were also seen and photographed at the site on Monday. On Thursday it was learned that lawyers Abilio Batista and former Supreme Court judge Jerónimo Mejía, were representing Vega but neither wanted to provide statements to the media. Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted June 12, 2021 Author Moderators Posted June 12, 2021 Quote Death threats follow vaccine abuse reports Posted 11/06/2021 ONE OF our journalists - who has been reporting on clandestine and VIP vaccinations - has been threatened by strangers who take on the cowardly task of phoning to warn her to "take care of her life." These threats arise, precisely, after the publications that the reporter made about the abusive use of vaccines. And this is the consequence of having governments with an air of absolutism, whose officials - and former officials - believe they are above the law and their fellow citizens, who allow individuals like these to resort to the old - but not forgotten - practices of gorillas: intimidation, in an effort to achieve self-censorship. True or false, we do not take these threats lightly, as they mark the beginning of behaviors that seek to intimidate, damaging freedom of expression. First, that of a journalist; then that of all Panamanians. It is amazing that we have reached this point, where intolerance is the new trend in our society. But let us not be surprised: it is enough to listen to the hate speech and the discrediting campaigns of some politicians against the media and communicators. It was only a matter of time before the threats against their lives arrived.- LA PRENSA, Jun.11 Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted August 28, 2021 Author Moderators Posted August 28, 2021 Quote Two more will be charged in vaccine scam The Vaccines were delivered to the Coco del Mar Suites Posted 27/08/2021 Public Ministry (MP) announced on Friday, August 27, that two more people will be charged in the case of clandestine anticovid vaccination in the Coco del Mar Suites building, in the San Francisco district. La Prensa revealed on June 8, that some 17 people were applied supposed doses of the Pfizer covid vaccine (only on Monday, June 7) on the premises owned by Denisse Vega, and in which there were employees of Vidatec and Cordón de Vida. Vega was the manager of both companies until she was separated after the scandal broke. According to the newspaper report, people paid $200 to receive a dose. Only Matías Pérez Escudero has been charged and is kept under preventive detention, accused of the alleged fraud, against public faith (ideological falsehood) and illegal exercise of the profession. Sources consulted by La Prensa also reported that Pérez Escudero will be face a new charge. Quote
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