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Panama Bracing For Hurricane Iota, Expected to Target Nicaragua But Cause Considerable Rain and Wind Damage in Panama

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‘Iota viene con muy malas intenciones y un desplazamiento lento’: Calzadilla

Aleida Samaniego C.
15 nov 2020 - 12:00 AM



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Panamá se prepara ante posibles efectos de la tormenta Iota

Etesa emitió avisos de advertencias por efectos adversos durante el paso de la Iota por el Mar Caribe. "Condiciones del tiempo irán empeorando en el país", comentó

Por Lourdes García Armuelles

El Centro de Operaciones Nacional está  liderado por el presidente de la República, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen.Presidencia

Desde el Centro de Operaciones Nacional, Panamá monitorea las proyecciones de la tormenta tropical Iota. 

El Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (Sinaproc) emitió alerta amarilla en las provincias de Darién, Panamá, Colón, Los Santos y las Comarcas Guna Yala y Emberá Wouman, ante los posibles efectos colaterales de Iota. 

En un comunicado, Sinaproc expresó que Iota se ubica en el norte de la República de Colombia y mantiene su desplazamiento hacia Honduras y Nicaragua con alto potencial a intensificarse como huracán en las próximas horas. 

"La dirección de Hidrometeorología de la Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica, S.A. (Etesa) y el Sinaproc, reiteran a la población que existe la posibilidad de registrarse inundaciones ante la coincidencia de las lluvias y máximas mareas de este mes", publicó Sinaproc.

Durante conferencia de prensa emitida por el Centro de Operaciones Nacional de la provincia de Chiriquí, el presidente de la República, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, señaló que mantuvo una reunión con el Centro de Operaciones Nacional y además una videoconferencia con todos los gobernadores para darle seguimiento no solo a los estragos del huracán Eta sino también a la tormenta tropical Iota. 

Cortizo recordó que el Centro de Operaciones lo conforman el gobernador o gobernadora de la provincia, los jefes de zonas, bomberos, Sinaproc y la junta técnica: gobiernos de provincia y local. 

Mañana se instala el Centro de Operaciones de la provincia de Panamá y habrá un Consejo de Gabinete para ampliar el Estado de Emergencia.

Ante los efectos de las lluvias por Iota, el presidente recomendó que "si las personas pueden buscar refugios en áreas altas, háganlo. Aléjense de los ríos, quebradas, las pendientes de montaña o cerro”. 

El ministro de Seguridad Pública, Juan Pino, expresó que se encuentran trabajando en el área occidental que fue la más impactada con el huracán Eta. “Seguimos con la fase de respuesta y rehabilitación. En el día de hoy las operaciones continúan especialmente las operaciones aéreas donde están haciendo las evaluaciones respectivas y llevando ayuda humanitaria. Con este nuevo fenómeno estamos en una fase preparativa para  enfrentarlo con los Centros de Operaciones de Emergencia a nivel provincial”, mencionó Pino. 

La ministra de Gobierno, Janaina Tewaney, indicó que de manera preventiva están levantando posibles albergues y centros de acopios para estar preparados para la reacción y mitigación de los posibles efectos que puede ocasionar Iota.

Evolución de Iota

Pilar López en representación de Etesa confirmó que en estos momentos Iota es una tormenta tropical. "Desde hoy viernes, se ve la influencia en los vientos porque han aumentado, incluso se han registrado precipitaciones desde tempranas horas de la mañana en el sector oriental del país como se tenía previsto", señalo la representante de Etesa.

Además, López mencionó que "los modelos estiman que mañana domingo en la tarde o noche, o incluso el lunes, Iota ya se convierta a huracán", después que este viernes,  pasara de una onda tropical a depresión tropical y llegar hoy, sábado a tormenta tropical. 

"Es importante destacar que en los modelos se estiman que Iota puede llegar a ser run huracán de categoría 4, esta es una probabilidad bastante baja, sin embargo, no se descarta en estos modelos que el predominante es categoría 3 y estaría en ese momento situado en las costas de Nicaragua, una trayectoria muy similar el huracán ETA", afirmó la representante de Etesa. 

López apuntó que en Panamá los vientos serán del sur-oeste y que podrán llegar de hasta 35 o 45 kilómetros y ráfagas mayores de 60 kilómetros por hora y que podrán ser más intensos en sectores montañosos. 

Etesa informó al Gobierno que el fenómeno natural se aproxima a la región y reitera que el Centro Nacional de Huracanes proporciona información mundial que luego se analiza y proyecta por cada país. "Emitimos avisos de advertencias por efectos adversos durante el paso de Iota por el Mar Caribe. Condiciones del tiempo irán empeorando en el país", comentó la entidad en su red social .

Luz Graciela Calzadilla, directora de Hidrometeorología de Etesa, expresó que el Centro Nacional de Huracanes monitorea y tiene la capacidad de decir cuando un fenómeno natural pasa de tormenta a huracán y cómo sus categorías cambian de 1 hasta 3. "Los países no tenemos la capacidad de hacer esas predicciones, por eso en el centro nos dan una guía de cómo actuar", indicó. 

Calzadilla señaló que registrar los pronósticos de volúmenes de lluvia que se pueden esperar de los fenómenos naturales identificados, es un trabajo que le corresponde a cada país, porque el Centro Nacional de Huracanes no hace ese proceso. 

La directora de Hidrometeorología de Etesa dijo que el promedio anual de lluvia en el país es de 2 mil 500 de precipitación… sin embargo en Bocas del Toro y en la Cordillera hay núcleos de hasta 7,000 mil milímetros, que hacen que "nosotros tengamos mucha, mucha agua". 

Calzadilla aprovechó el espacio en la conferencia de prensa para advertir sobre la desinformación que se produce en redes sociales con la publicación de los mapas que describen las tormentas tropicales y los huracanes. "Como los mapas son públicos, las personas entran y comienzan a mal interpretar las señales de los mapas y manejar información errónea", advirtió. 

El presidente hizo un llamado a la población para reiterarles que los únicos autorizados en difundir información son Etesa y Sinaproc. 

"La información se da por un equipo que lo conforma Etesa y Sinaproc, lo demás pueden ser alarmar para asustar a la gente y eso es lo que no queremos en este tipo de situaciones. La calma es un aliado de cada uno de los panameños, afrontamos estas situaciones con la cabeza tibia y con calma porque eso ayuda mucho", apuntó Cortizo. 

Sinaproc señaló que por el desplazamiento de la tormenta tropical Iota hacia la cuenca central del Caribe, Etesa prevé acumulados significativos de lluvias  del 14 hasta el 17 de noviembre, intensificación del viento del oeste y suroeste en horas de la tarde, que durarán hasta las 11:59 p.m.

“Los lugares con mayores montos y acumulados desde el día de hoy hasta el 17 de noviembre son Azuero, Chiriquí, el Sur de Veraguas, comarca Ngäbe-Buglé y desde ya podemos esperar lluvias significativas en la provincia de Darién, Panamá Este y Ballano” comunicó López. 

La representante de Etesa, además aclaró que incluso después de que Iota entre a Nicaragua y se disipe es probable que las lluvias en Panamá continúen ante la gran inestabilidad que presentará la atmósfera por el sistema que va a generar el fenómeno natural. "Después del 18 no hay que bajar la guardia y estar pendiente de todos los avisos y los modelos que se vayan generando", dijo. 


Respecto a las secuelas del huracán Eta en el país, el presidente dijo: "lo que hemos recibido han sido los efectos colaterales porque no fue ni la entrada de un huracán directo". 

Cortizo expuso que lo que pasó del 1 al 4 de noviembre en Cerro Punta, rompió todo el promedio de los últimos 30 años en el mes de noviembre que fueron 187 milímetros de precipitación. "Hablamos de mucha agua que saturó la tierra provocando los deslizamientos de tierra en Chiriquí y la comarcas", reconoció.

La directora de Hidrometeorología de Etesa agregó que octubre fue un mes lluvioso y que "las lluvias de noviembre vinieron a incrementar el nivel de saturación de los suelos". 

Calzadilla  contó que Eta siendo un huracán de categoría 4 entró a Nicaragua con velocidad de hasta 275 kilómetros por hora y con viento sostenido. "En Panamá tuvimos ráfagas de 100 metros y vientos sostenidos de hasta 60 kilómetros, ósea, muy lejos de lo que significa un impacto de un huracán de categoría 4, así que tuvimos efectos indirectos porque Panamá es muy angosta y la lluvia atraviesa de modo que llueve por todos lados", indicó. 

López, por su parte, comentó que "el 4 de noviembre las lluvias en Cerro Punta estuvieron de manera ligeras y constantes desde las 5 de la mañana hasta las 10 de la noche. Como fueron lluvias ligeras las personas no prestaron atención a pesar que era preocupante porque esas lluvias se fueron hacia las zonas montañosas e implicaron saturación y absorción del terreno impactando con inundaciones y derrumbes que podrían repetirse con Iota". "Exhortamos a la población a tener mucha precaución y estar atentados a los avisos de vigilancia que se estén emitiendo”, enfatizó López.


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Panama prepares for possible effects of storm Iota

Etesa issued warning notices for adverse effects during the Iota's passage through the Caribbean Sea. "Weather conditions will worsen in the country," he commented.

By Lourdes García Armuelles
Updated 11/14/2020 20:07

The National Operations Center is led by the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen.

From the National Operations Center, Panama monitors the projections of tropical storm Iota.

The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) issued a yellow alert in the provinces of Darién, Panama, Colón, Los Santos, and the Guna Yala and Emberá Wouman Comarcas, due to the possible collateral effects of Iota.

In a statement, Sinaproc said that Iota is located in the north of the Republic of Colombia and continues to move towards Honduras and Nicaragua with high potential to intensify as a hurricane in the coming hours.

"The Directorate of Hydrometeorology of the Electric Transmission Company, S.A. (Etesa) and Sinaproc, reiterate to the population that there is the possibility of registering floods due to the coincidence of rains and maximum tides of this month," published Sinaproc.

During a press conference issued by the National Operations Center of the Chiriquí province, the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, indicated that he held a meeting with the National Operations Center and also a videoconference with all the governors to follow up on only to the ravages of Hurricane Eta but also to Tropical Storm Iota.

Cortizo recalled that the Operations Center is made up of the governor of the province, the chiefs of zones, firefighters, Sinaproc and the technical board: provincial and local governments.

Tomorrow the Operations Center of the province of Panama will be installed and there will be a Cabinet Council to expand the State of Emergency.

Given the effects of the rains in Iota, the president recommended that "if people can seek shelters in high areas, do so. Stay away from rivers, streams, mountain slopes or hills."

The Minister of Public Security, Juan Pino, expressed that they are working in the western area that was the most affected by Hurricane Eta. “We continue with the response and rehabilitation phase. Today the operations continue especially the air operations where they are making the respective evaluations and carrying humanitarian aid. With this new phenomenon we are in a preparatory phase to face it with the Emergency Operations Centers at the provincial level ”, mentioned Pino.

The Minister of Government, Janaina Tewaney, indicated that in a preventive way they are raising possible shelters and storage centers to be prepared for the reaction and mitigation of the possible effects that Iota may cause.

Iota Evolution

Pilar López on behalf of Etesa confirmed that Iota is currently a tropical storm. "Since today, Friday, the influence of the winds is seen because they have increased, there have even been rainfalls since early in the morning in the eastern sector of the country as planned," the Etesa representative pointed out.

In addition, López mentioned that "the models estimate that tomorrow Sunday afternoon or night, or even Monday, Iota will already become a hurricane", after this Friday, it went from a tropical wave to a tropical depression and arrive today, Saturday at tropical storm.

"It is important to note that in the models it is estimated that Iota may become a category 4 hurricane, this is a fairly low probability, however, it is not ruled out in these models that the predominant one is category 3 and would be located at that time on the coasts of Nicaragua, a very similar trajectory to hurricane ETA, "said the Etesa representative.

López pointed out that in Panama the winds will be from the south-west and that they may reach up to 35 or 45 kilometers and gusts greater than 60 kilometers per hour and that they may be more intense in mountainous sectors.

Etesa informed the Government that the natural phenomenon is approaching the region and reiterates that the National Hurricane Center provides global information that is then analyzed and projected by each country. "We issue warning notices for adverse effects during Iota's passage through the Caribbean Sea. Weather conditions will worsen in the country," the entity commented on its social network.

Luz Graciela Calzadilla, director of Hydrometeorology at Etesa, said that the National Hurricane Center monitors and has the ability to tell when a natural phenomenon goes from storm to hurricane and how its categories change from 1 to 3. "The countries do not have the capacity to make those predictions, so in the center they give us a guide on how to act, "she said.

Calzadilla pointed out that registering the forecasts of rainfall volumes that can be expected from the identified natural phenomena is a job that corresponds to each country, because the National Hurricane Center does not carry out this process.

The director of Hydrometeorology at Etesa said that the annual average rainfall in the country is 2,500 precipitation… however in Bocas del Toro and the Cordillera there are nuclei of up to 7,000 thousand millimeters, which means that "we have a lot of, much water".

Calzadilla took advantage of the space in the press conference to warn about the misinformation that occurs on social networks with the publication of the maps that describe tropical storms and hurricanes. "Since the maps are public, people come in and start to misinterpret the map signs and handle misinformation," he warned.

The president called on the population to reiterate that the only ones authorized to disseminate information are Etesa and Sinaproc.

"The information is given by a team that is made up of Etesa and Sinaproc, the rest can be alarming to scare people and that is what we do not want in this type of situation. Calm is an ally of each of the Panamanians, We face these situations with a warm and calm head because that helps a lot, "said Cortizo.

Sinaproc pointed out that due to the displacement of tropical storm Iota towards the central Caribbean basin, Etesa foresees significant accumulated rains from November 14 to 17, intensification of the west and southwest wind in the afternoon, which will last until 11 : 59 pm

"The places with the highest amounts and accumulated from today until November 17 are Azuero, Chiriquí, the South of Veraguas, Ngäbe-Buglé region and from now on we can expect significant rains in the province of Darién, Panama East and Ballano" reported López.

The Etesa representative also clarified that even after Iota enters Nicaragua and dissipates, it is likely that the rains in Panama will continue due to the great instability that the atmosphere will present due to the system that will generate the natural phenomenon. "After the 18th we must not lower our guard and be aware of all the notices and models that are generated," she said.


Regarding the aftermath of Hurricane Eta in the country, the president said: "what we have received has been the collateral effects because it was not even the entry of a direct hurricane."

Cortizo explained that what happened from November 1 to 4 in Cerro Punta, broke the entire average of the last 30 years in the month of November, which was 187 millimeters of precipitation. "We are talking about a lot of water that saturated the land causing landslides in Chiriquí and the regions," he acknowledged.

The director of Hydrometeorology at Etesa added that October was a rainy month and that "the rains in November increased the level of saturation of the soils."

Calzadilla said that Eta, being a category 4 hurricane, entered Nicaragua with a speed of up to 275 kilometers per hour and with sustained wind. "In Panama we had gusts of 100 meters and sustained winds of up to 60 kilometers, that is, very far from what an impact of a category 4 hurricane means, so we had indirect effects because Panama is very narrow and the rain passes through so that it rains everywhere, "he said.

López, for his part, commented that "on November 4 the rains in Cerro Punta were light and constant from 5 in the morning to 10 at night. As they were light rains, people did not pay attention even though it was worrying because those rains went to the mountainous areas and implied saturation and absorption of the land, impacting with floods and landslides that could be repeated with Iota ". "We exhort the population to be very careful and to attack the surveillance notices that are being issued," López emphasized.



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Tropical Storm Iota forecast to hit storm-ravaged Central America as a major hurricane early next week

Iota forecast to rapidly strengthen in the Caribbean 01:54

(CNN)Tropical Storm Iota could strengthen into a major hurricane in the Caribbean and slam into Central America early next week -- the very region already devastated by Hurricane Eta earlier this month -- forecasters say.

Iota, which formed Friday at sea, was centered in the Caribbean about 445 miles east-southeast of the Nicaragua-Honduras border with maximum sustained winds of 70 mph as of 10 p.m. ET Saturday, the US National Hurricane Center said. It is forecast to rapidly strengthen over the next 24 hours.
Iota is expected to continue heading west and make landfall somewhere in Central America, potentially near the Honduras-Nicaragua border by late Monday or early Tuesday, CNN meteorologist Tyler Mauldin said.
    The storm is forecast to be at or near major hurricane strength prior to making landfall across Central America, according to the NHC. A major hurricane is a hurricane with winds of at least 111 mph.
    Nicaragua has issued a hurricane warning from Sandy Bay Sirpi to the border with Honduras, and Honduras issued a hurricane warning from from the border of Nicaragua to Punta Patuca.
    Parts of those two countries could receive torrential rain totals of 2 to 3 feet, along with life-threatening storm surge.
    Besides delivering damaging winds, Iota could drop 8 to 16 inches of rain on Honduras, northern Nicaragua, eastern Guatemala and southern Belize through Thursday, the NHC said -- unwelcome news for a region pummeled by Hurricane Eta last week.
    Costa Rica, Panama, and northern Colombia could receive 4 to 8 inches of rain through Thursday, while El Salvador and southern Nicaragua could get 2 to 4 inches in the same period, the NHC said.
    Colombia's government on Saturday issued a tropical storm warning for the islands of San Andres and Providencia.
    "This rainfall (from Iota) would lead to significant, life-threatening flash flooding and river flooding, along with landslides in areas of higher terrain," the NHC said.
    Iota is 30th named storm in the Atlantic this year -- the most ever for an Atlantic hurricane season.



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    El país puede ser nuevamente intervenido por los efectos colaterales del huracán Iota: Carlos Rumbo

    Alertan que se pueden presentar situaciones de emergencia.
    Getzalette Reyes
    16 nov 2020 - 07:15 AM


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    The country may be intervened again by the collateral effects of hurricane Iota: Carlos Rumbo

    They alert that emergency situations may arise.

    Getzalette Reyes
    Nov 16, 2020 - 07:15 AM

    Sinaproc reported that they have proceeded with the evacuation of several families in the district of San Miguelito. Courtesy

    The general director of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), Carlos Rumbo, said that in the country "we can be intervened" due to the collateral effects of Hurricane Iota, which strengthened this Monday, November 16, to category four.

    Therefore, he asked the population to become aware of this situation, since emergency situations may arise.

    Hurricane Iota has strengthened rapidly in recent hours and now has sustained winds of 245 km / h. According to the National Hurricane Center, the hurricane could reach category 5.

    Rumbo reiterated that yesterday, Sunday, red alert was declared red alert in the provinces of Chiriquí, Bocas del Toro and in the Ngäbe-Buglé region due to the instability of the weather. The rains in these places are going to last two or three days, he said. Meanwhile, a yellow alert was declared for the rest of the provinces and regions while the effects of Hurricane Iota last.

    Read here: Sinaproc declares a red alert in two provinces and one region

    “The weather conditions are not good. The continuous rains cause the saturation of the soils and cause landslides ”, he explained.

    Yesterday, Sunday, seven people were evacuated from the Bambito sector, in Chiriquí, who were previously at risk from cyclone Eta.

    Similarly, several families have been evacuated in the San Miguelito district, given the climatic conditions that occur in the country.


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    El huracán Iota sube a categoría 4 en su avance a una Centroamérica devastada por Eta

    AFP. Bilwi, Nicaragua
    16 nov 2020 - 06:15 AM

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    Hurricane Iota rises to category 4 in its advance to a Central America devastated by Eta
    AFP. Bilwi, Nicaragua
    Nov 16, 2020 - 06:15 AM

    A dog eats from the rubble of the houses destroyed by the passage of Hurricane Eta, in Bilwi, Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua, on November 15, 2020, before the arrival of Hurricane Iota.

    Hurricane Iota strengthened this Monday to "dangerous" category 4 on its way to Central America, where authorities evacuated thousands of people to minimize risks, in a region recently devastated by the passage of cyclone Eta.

    The National Hurricane Center (NHC) of the United States indicated that Iota went from category 4 (out of a maximum of 5) with winds of up to 230 kilometers per hour.

    "Extremely dangerous winds and life-threatening storm surge are expected along the northeast coast of Nicaragua and eastern Honduras," the NHC said in its latest bulletin on Monday.

    Iota could make landfall on Monday night on the Caribbean coast between Nicaragua and Honduras, following a similar course to that of Eta, which earlier this month left more than 200 dead and 2.5 million affected by floods and landslides.

    Nicaraguan meteorological authorities predict that the new hurricane will impact between Cabo Gracias a Dios, on the border with Honduras, and Prinzapolka, further south, near the city of Bilwi.

    In this town of more than 40 thousand inhabitants, mostly indigenous Miskitos and Afro-descendants, people tried to secure the roofs of their wooden houses with the same old and broken zinc sheets that came off with the passage of Eta, and kept their belongings in bags to protect them from the rains.


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    Gabinete decreta ‘estado de emergencia ambiental’; reubicarán a familias en riesgo

    El ministro Paredes tiene la tarea de realizar los operativos necesarios para reubicar cuanto antes a las familias en riesgo.
    Manuel Vega Loo
    15 nov 2020 - 06:06 PM

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    Cabinet decrees ‘state of environmental emergency’; relocate families at risk

    Minister Paredes has the task of carrying out the necessary operations to relocate families at risk as soon as possible.

    Manuel Vega Loo
    Nov 15, 2020 - 06:06 PM

    President Laurentino Cortizo presided over an extraordinary Cabinet Council on Sunday afternoon, November 15. Photo Roberto Cisneros

    The “state of environmental emergency” declared the Cabinet Council in an extraordinary session on Sunday afternoon, November 15.

    In addition, President Laurentino Cortizo entrusted the Minister of Housing and Land Management, Rogelio Paredes, with the task of carrying out the necessary operations to relocate families at risk as soon as possible, given the climatic conditions.

    The “environmental emergency” applies to the provinces of Colón, Darién, Los Santos and the regions of Guna Yala, Madugandí, Emberá, Wouanaan and Wargandi.

    The Cabinet Council made this decision due to the collateral effects of Hurricane Iota, which is advancing towards Honduras and Nicaragua.

    In addition, the Cabinet, headed by Cortizo and Vice President José Gabriel Carrizo, approved modifying Cabinet Resolution No. 85 of November 7, 2020, which declared a "state of environmental emergency in seven provinces, due to the indirect effects left by the past. Hurricane Eta.

    Eta in Panama left 19 dead, 12 missing and damage to the agricultural sector in the province of Chiriquí.

    During the meeting, the Ministers of Education, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos, and Paredes presented the situation of the poor condition of the wall of the Martin Luther King school, which represents a danger for residents in the Mano de Piedra sector, San Miguelito district.

    Therefore, the Cabinet Council ordered immediate attention to the situation faced by residents of the immediate premises of the Martin Luther King School.

    Luz Calzadilla, head of Hydrometeorology at Etesa, specified that Hurricane Iota continues to move westward and that this Monday it could impact the coasts of Nicaragua and Honduras, with collateral effects on Panamanian territory.


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    Panamá declara estado de emergencia ambiental ante el huracán Iota

    Se extiende el estado de emergencia ambiental para Colón, Darién, Los Santos y las comarcas de Guna Yala, Madugandí, Emberá, Wuonaan y Wargandi.

    Por Gustavo A. Aparicio O.


    El Gabinete recibió un informe sobre la situación meteorológica en el país por los posibles efectos colaterales del huracán Iota por el territorio nacional.Archivo| La Estrella de Panamá

    El Consejo de Gabinete extendió este domingo la declaración del estado de emergencia ambiental para las provincias de Colón, Darién, Los Santos, y las comarcas de Guna Yala, Madugandí, Emberá, Wouanaan y Wargandi, ante los posibles efectos colaterales del huracán Iota sobre el territorio nacional.

    En el Gabinete extraordinario realizado este domingo y encabezado por el presidente de la República, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen y el vicepresidente José Gabriel Carrizo, se aprobó modificar la Resolución de Gabinete NO.85 del 7 de noviembre de 2020, que declaró el Estado de Emergencia Ambiental en siete provincias (Bocas del Toro, Coclé, Chiriquí, Herrera, Panamá, Panamá Oeste, Veraguas y la Comarca Ngäbe Buglé) por los efectos indirectos que dejó el pasado huracán Eta.

    De esta manera se agrega la declaratoria del Estado de Emergencia Ambiental, por el paso del huracán Iota para las provincias de Colón, Darién, Los Santos y las áreas comarcales señaladas.

    Informe de Etesa sobre huracán Iota

    El Gabinete recibió un informe sobre la situación meteorológica en el país por los posibles efectos colaterales del huracán Iota por el territorio nacional.

    La Ing. Luz Calzadilla, jefa de Hidrometeorología y de la técnica Pilar López, ambas de la Empresa de Transmisión Eléctrica, S.A. (ETESA).

    Calzadilla detalló que a la 1: 00 a.m. Iota fue declarado por el Centro de Huracanes como un ciclón de categoría 1 con vientos de 148 kilómetros por hora, solo a seis kilómetros de pasar a categoría 2.

    Precisó que el huracán Iota se mantiene con un movimiento hacia al Oeste y que el día lunes podría impactar sobre las costas de Nicaragua y Honduras, con efectos colaterales sobre el territorio panameño.

    La técnica López señaló que el huracán puede ocasionar un aumento de lluvias en la cordillera central del país afectando a las provincias de Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, sur de Veraguas área comarcal así como las provincia de Colón, Los Santos y Darién. Indicó que se está realizando un monitoreo constantes del caudal de los ríos en esas provincias y zonas.

    Destacó que Iota ocasionaría vientos de moderación baja sobre el territorio panameño de no mas de 80 kilómetros por hora y ráfagas de vientos en las zonas montañosas.

    El Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (Sinaproc) declaró la Alerta Roja, para las provincias de Bocas del Toro y Chiriquí y la Comarca Ngäble Buglé y la alerta Amarilla para el resto del país, como medida de prevención por la inestabilidad del tiempo, asociada a los efectos indirectos del huracán Iota.

    Durante la sesión, la ministra de Educación, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos y el ministro de Vivienda y Ordenamiento Territorial, Rogelio Paredes, presentaron la situación del mal estado del muro de la escuela Martín Luther King, que representa un peligro para residentes en el sector de Mano de Piedra, distrito de San Miguelito, provincia de Panamá.

    En tal sentido, el Consejo de Gabinete dispuso una atención inmediata de la situación que afronta residentes de predios inmediatos a la escuela Martin Luther King. El presidente Cortizo Cohen encargó al titular de Miviot, Rogelio Paredes, la tarea de realizar los operativos necesarios para reubicar cuanto antes a las familias en riesgo, dadas las condiciones climáticas que imperan en el país por las lluvias.

    Operación Patria

    El informe del Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil destaca que la cifra de muertos por inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra por los efectos del pasado huracán Eta se mantiene en 19: 10 en Tierras Altas, 3 en Renacimiento (Nueva Dely) y 6 en Besikó, comarca Gnobe Buglé.

    Hay 12 personas que no han sido localizadas: dos en Cerro Punta, una persona en Paso Ancho, tres en la comunidad de Las Nubes, una en Gualaca y cinco en la comunidad de Pueblo Nuevo.

    Las operaciones de búsqueda se mantienen en el sector de Tierras Altas, en las comunidades de Tizingal, Finca Morgan, Río Sereno, Volcán, Río Chiriquí, Bambito y Finca Los Carter; además, se realiza el monitoreo de las hidroeléctricas.

    En la actualidad, hay 32 albergues temporales en operación en Barú (4), Tierras Altas (6), Alanje (3) Río Sereno (4) Bugaba (1), Muná (1), Finca 4 (1) y Besikó (13), en los que se encuentran alojadas 2,424 personas.


    Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article.


    Panama declares a state of environmental emergency in the face of hurricane Iota

    The state of environmental emergency is extended for Colón, Darién, Los Santos and the regions of Guna Yala, Madugandí, Emberá, Wuonaan and Wargandi.

    By Gustavo A. Aparicio O.
    Updated 11/15/2020 6:24 PM


    The Cabinet received a report on the meteorological situation in the country due to the possible collateral effects of Hurricane Iota throughout the national territory. Archive | The Panama Star

    The Cabinet Council extended this Sunday the declaration of the state of environmental emergency for the provinces of Colón, Darién, Los Santos, and the regions of Guna Yala, Madugandí, Emberá, Wouanaan and Wargandi, given the possible collateral effects of Hurricane Iota on the National territory.

    In the extraordinary Cabinet held this Sunday and headed by the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen and Vice President José Gabriel Carrizo, it was approved to modify Cabinet Resolution NO.85 of November 7, 2020, which declared the State of Environmental Emergency in seven provinces (Bocas del Toro, Coclé, Chiriquí, Herrera, Panamá, Panamá Oeste, Veraguas and the Ngäbe Buglé Region) due to the indirect effects left by the last hurricane Eta.

    In this way, the declaration of the State of Environmental Emergency is added, due to the passage of Hurricane Iota for the provinces of Colón, Darién, Los Santos and the indicated regional areas.

    Etesa report on hurricane Iota

    The Cabinet received a report on the meteorological situation in the country due to the possible collateral effects of Hurricane Iota throughout the national territory.

    Eng. Luz Calzadilla, head of Hydrometeorology and Pilar López, both of the Electric Transmission Company, S.A. (ETESA).

    Calzadilla explained that at 1:00 a.m. Iota was declared by the Hurricane Center as a category 1 cyclone with winds of 148 kilometers per hour, only six kilometers from going to category 2.

    She specified that Hurricane Iota continues moving westward and that on Monday it could impact the coasts of Nicaragua and Honduras, with collateral effects on Panamanian territory.

    The López technique pointed out that the hurricane can cause an increase in rainfall in the central mountain range of the country, affecting the provinces of Bocas del Toro, Chiriquí, southern Veraguas regional area as well as the provinces of Colón, Los Santos and Darién. She indicated that constant monitoring of the river flow is being carried out in those provinces and areas.

    She stressed that Iota would cause moderately low winds over the Panamanian territory of no more than 80 kilometers per hour and gusts of winds in the mountainous areas.

    The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) declared the Red Alert, for the provinces of Bocas del Toro and Chiriquí and the Comarca Ngäble Buglé and the Yellow alert for the rest of the country, as a preventive measure due to the instability of the weather, associated with the indirect effects of hurricane Iota.

    During the session, the Minister of Education, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos and the Minister of Housing and Land Management, Rogelio Paredes, presented the situation of the poor condition of the wall of the Martín Luther King school, which represents a danger for residents in the sector of Mano de Piedra, district of San Miguelito, province of Panama.

    In this sense, the Cabinet Council ordered immediate attention to the situation faced by residents of the immediate premises of the Martin Luther King school. President Cortizo Cohen entrusted the head of Miviot, Rogelio Paredes, with the task of carrying out the necessary operations to relocate families at risk as soon as possible, given the climatic conditions that prevail in the country due to the rains.

    Operation Homeland

    The report of the National Civil Protection System highlights that the death toll from floods and landslides due to the effects of the last hurricane Eta remains at 19: 10 in the Highlands, 3 in Renacimiento (Nueva Dely) and 6 in Besikó, region Gnobe Buglé.

    There are 12 people who have not been located: two in Cerro Punta, one in Paso Ancho, three in the community of Las Nubes, one in Gualaca and five in the community of Pueblo Nuevo.

    Search operations are maintained in the Tierras Altas sector, in the communities of Tizingal, Finca Morgan, Río Sereno, Volcán, Río Chiriquí, Bambito and Finca Los Carter; Furthermore, monitoring of hydroelectric plants is carried out.

    Currently, there are 32 temporary shelters in operation in Barú (4), Tierras Altas (6), Alanje (3) Río Sereno (4), Bugaba (1), Muná (1), Finca 4 (1) and Besikó (13 ), in which 2,424 people are housed.



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    Moderator comment: The following email was received from the US Embassy in Panama City.

    ------ Original Message ------
    Sent: 11/16/2020 5:02:51 PM
    Subject: Weather Alert: Hurricane Iota (November 16, 2020)

    Seal with blue background


    Weather Alert - U. S. Embassy Panama City, Panama (November 16, 2020) 


    Location: Panama 


    The Government of Panama has declared a State of Environmental Emergency in the provinces of Colon, Darien, and Los Santos and in the comarcas of Guna YalaMadugandiEmberaWouanaan, and Wargandi due to Hurricane Iota.  Currently a Category 5 hurricane, Iota is expected to make landfall in Nicaragua and Honduras on Monday evening.  Forecasts show the potential for heavy rain and possible flooding in parts of Panama.  


    For updated information, please check SINAPROC’s website and social media feeds and continue to monitor local media outlets.  The Embassy advises all those living in at-risk areas to seek secure shelter and notify their family and friends of their safety.  


    In the event of an emergency, call 311 immediately. 




    U.S. Embassy Panama City, Panama  
    Building 783, Demetrio Basilio Lakas Avenue  
    Clayton, Panama  
    +507 317-5000  

    State Department – Consular Affairs  
    +1 (888)407-4747 or +1 (202)501-4444   


    Enroll in Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive security updates.   

    Follow us on Facebook and Twitter


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    • Moderator_02 changed the title to Panama Bracing For Hurricane Iota, Expected to Target Nicaragua But Cause Considerable Rain and Wind Damage in Panama
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    Iota baja su intensidad, pero las condiciones inestables del tiempo se mantendrán en Panamá

    Henry Cárdenas P.
    17 nov 2020 - 07:01 AM


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    Huracán Iota avanza por Centroamérica algo debilitado en categoría 2 tras tocar tierra en Nicaragua

    AFP. MANAGUA, Nicaragua
    17 nov 2020 - 06:22 AM


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    Iota amenaza en Tierras Altas

    En esta ocasión, las autoridades acudieron con anticipación para advertir a los ciudadanos que tienen propiedades en áreas vulnerables de Cerro Punta y Bambito, que debían evacuar el área.
    Wilfredo Jordán S.
    17 nov 2020 - 12:40 AM


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    Panamá, bajo los efectos indirectos de Iota

    Aleida Samaniego C.
    17 nov 2020 - 12:29 AM


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    Cortizo llama a la población a mantener la calma ante los efectos de Iota

    Manuel Vega Loo
    16 nov 2020 - 04:49 PM


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    Iota se degrada a depresión tropical; las lluvias continuarán a lo largo del día

    Getzalette Reyes
    18 nov 2020 - 08:45 AM


    Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article.


    Iota degrades to tropical depression; the rains will continue throughout the day

    Getzalette Reyes
    Nov 18, 2020 - 08:45 AM

    Scattered rains are expected in the next few hours, an event accompanied by winds. Courtesy

    Iota, which was a Category 5 hurricane this Monday, has degraded to a tropical depression, the National Hurricane Center in Miami, United States, reported on Wednesday, November 18. According to the US center, the disappearance of the meteorological phenomenon is forecast in the next 72 hours.

    This Wednesday, Iota arrived in El Salvador and shortly after was degraded to a tropical depression, after adding at least ten deaths on its way and causing significant damage in Nicaragua.

    Due to the floods in the country due to the collateral effects of Iota, the Panamanian authorities have reported a fatal victim in the community of Nole Duima, Ngäbe Bugle region, and a missing person in Soloy, also in the regional area.

    On the other hand, meteorological reports from ETESA show that the rains will continue intermittently and with varied intensities in Panama, mainly this Wednesday, gradually dissipating as the day progresses.

    Through a statement, it was reported that the Panama Maritime Authority maintains the suspension of sailing for smaller vessels and pleasure yachts, until noon this Wednesday, both on the Pacific coast and in the Caribbean Sea. Meanwhile, the country's ports remain on preventive alert, before the next high tide that will occur at 6:16 p.m., with 17.9 feet high.

    In turn, it was announced that the National Civil Protection System maintains six areas of operations in the province of Chiriquí (Tierras Altas, Puerto Armuelles, Divalá, Soloy, San Félix and Chiriquí Grande). The entity continues with constant monitoring of weather conditions in that province.


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