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Transiting ship crashes rail bridge, hits container flow


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Transiting ship crashes  rail bridge, hits container flow


Posted 24/06/2020

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has opened an investigation into the crash  of a ship transiting the canal against the railway bridge over the Chagres river in the Gamboa community on Tuesday afternoon Panama Canal staff inspection of the bridge structure to assess the extent of the damage.

Some clients of the railroad that connects the port of Balboa, in the Pacific, with the port hub of the Atlantic, will move containers by land and sea while the damage to the structure of the bridge is being  repaired

"Customers are going to choose to move cargo by land, some  will be transhipped in other ports outside of Panama, while some will move from ship to ship to Panama," said  Thomas Kenna, President of the Panama Canal Railway Company.



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Ferrocarril suspende operación por 15 días y aprovecha para dar mantenimiento

Wilfredo Jordán S.
24 jun 2020 - 10:39 PM


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