Moderators Moderator_02 Posted May 6, 2020 Moderators Share Posted May 6, 2020 Quote Capturan a cinco integrantes de una presunta red criminal en caso de estafa de gel alcoholado Juan Manuel Díaz 05 may 2020 - 04:06 PM Los entes judiciales le estaban dando seguimiento a estas personas. CORTESÏA Funcionarios de la Dirección de Investigación Judicial (DIJ) y del Ministerio Público lograron la captura de cinco personas que se presume son parte de una red criminal que habría estafado 1,950 galones de gel alcoholado a una empresa en la provincia de Chiriquí. Fuentes vinculadas a la investigación precisaron que el arresto se produjo en el sector de Betania en el momento en que los sospechosos realizaban la transacción del gel alcoholado que previamente habían estafado a una empresa en Chiriquí con valor aproximado de $200 mil. La operación se concretó a través de un seguimiento realizado por las autoridades, luego que la semana pasada capturaron a tres miembros de esta red criminal en la ciudad de David, Chiriquí. Las autoridades investigan la presunta relación de esta red criminal con otras estafas perpetradas contra comercios que se dedican a la venta de insumos médicos y desinfectantes recomendados para combatir el virus de Covid-19. El Ministerio Público, por intermedio de la Fiscalía de Atención Primaria de Bugaba, en las próximas horas solicitará una audiencia para la legalización de las aprehensiones. Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article. Quote They capture five members of an alleged criminal network in a case of alcohol gel scam Juan Manuel Diaz May 05, 2020 - 04:06 PM <<3527VJDLRNCEBD3Z44EU6M52HI.jpeg>> The judicial entities were following up on these people. COURTESY Officials from the Directorate of Judicial Investigation (DIJ) and the Public Ministry managed to capture five people who are presumed to be part of a criminal network that would have defrauded 1,950 gallons of alcoholic gel from a company in the province of Chiriquí. Sources linked to the investigation specified that the arrest occurred in the Betania sector at the time the suspects were carrying out the transaction for the alcohol gel that had previously defrauded a company in Chiriquí with an approximate value of $ 200,000. The operation was carried out through a follow-up carried out by the authorities, after last week they captured three members of this criminal network in the city of David, Chiriquí. Authorities are investigating the alleged relationship of this criminal network with other scams perpetrated against businesses that are dedicated to selling medical supplies and disinfectants recommended to combat the Covid-19 virus. The Public Ministry, through the Bugaba Primary Care Prosecutor's Office, will request a hearing in the next few hours to legalize the arrests. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted May 10, 2020 Author Moderators Share Posted May 10, 2020 Quote Juez de garantías en Chiriquí confirma la detención de tres personas en caso de estafa en compra de gel alcoholado Flor Bocharel Q. 09 may 2020 - 02:31 PM Órgano Judicial en Chiriquí. BUGABA, Chiriquí. Un juzgado de garantías de la provincia de Chiriquí, confirmó la detención de tres ciudadanos chiricanos vinculados a una presunta estafa en la compra de gel alcoholado, por 200 mil dólares. La fiscal de Bugaba, Jessica Rosas, sustentó ante el juez de garantías de Chiriquí, los riesgos procesales si se cambiaban la detención provisional, para tres ciudadanos de 48, 39 y 38 años de edad, detenidos previamente porque presuntamente pagaron con cheques sin fondo la compra de gel alcoholado por 200 mil dólares a una empresa distribuidora de la ciudad de Panamá. Por este caso hay una mujer y un hombre más, presuntamente involucrados en el delito de estafa. Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article. Quote Judge of guarantees in Chiriquí confirms the arrest of three people in case of fraud in the purchase of alcohol gel Flower Bocharel Q. May 09, 2020 - 02:31 PM <<YECWCO6G7FBXPJZ4H3UHO3MIBY.jpg>> Judicial Branch in Chiriquí. BUGABA, Chiriquí. A court of guarantees in the province of Chiriquí, confirmed the arrest of three Chiricano citizens linked to an alleged scam in the purchase of alcohol gel, for 200 thousand dollars. The Bugaba prosecutor, Jessica Rosas, sustained before the Chiriquí guarantees judge, the procedural risks if provisional detention were changed, for three citizens of 48, 39 and 38 years of age, previously detained because they allegedly paid with bottomless checks the purchase of alcohol gel for 200 thousand dollars from a distribution company in Panama City. For this case there is one more woman and one man, allegedly involved in the crime of fraud. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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