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Geovana Caballero is known to many of us as the manager of the Cable & Wireless office, where she is no longer.  Geovana saved many a day for many of us and is sorely missed at the Cable & Wireless office. 

Geovana is Panamanian and speaks fluent English.  Those of us who call her our friend and who knew her at the C&W office know that she is helpful, kind, thoroughly honest, patient, and has an amazing amount of knowledge about how things work in Boquete.... including but not limited to mobile phones.

If you or a friend need some assistance, please consider consulting with Geovana.  She has a website at www.askgeovana.weebly.com


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Geovana is everything said above, and more. After working on a communication and coordination issue for us involving two large corporations, there was still a lingering problem that we were not aware of, but which Geovana knew was simply "going to happen," given the way things work here. Rather than discuss via email or phone, she came to our home and laid out a detailed plan, in writing. We then had a wonderful and lengthy personal conversation.

She is absolutely trustworthy. And thorough. And a good friend. We are soooooo happy for her that she found a great mate. We could see the happiness and joy in her eyes and heart.

Thanks, Geovana. You rock.

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Geovana will be one of the presenters at the Tuesday Talks on May 3.

Here's the write-up:

Tuesday, May 3 – Who Ya Gonna Call???  Need help getting your utilities hooked up, or getting a drivers license, or finding a plumber, or getting transportation somewhere, or maybe just some translation services? Three accomplished, bi-lingual Panamanian ladies will take the stage to tell us about their services. Speaking will be Gloria Cruz (Boquete Services), Geovanna Caballero (Ask Geovanna), Ford Hamberger (Call Ford), and Lorena Pitti (Boquete Bilingual Services). They each have their special talents and offerings.

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