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Table of Contents:
•  Blood Donor Caravan
•  Being Prepared for Life and Death
•  Falls Prevention Tool Kit
•  CPR Update
•  FAQ
•  Boquete Clinic List
•  Message from President
•  Oscar on the Street
•  Our Mission

Blood Donor Caravan
March 7

Did you know that Boquete Health and Hospice has a blood donor program?  Just call or WhatsApp 6590-2000 in English or Spanish.  Our blood drives help support the requests for blood needed in Chiriqui, and on March 7 we will bring donors to the blood bank at Hospital Regional.  Please see the flyer below, and let us know if you can donate blood that day.  Emergencies happen, or blood is required for an operation. WE NEED YOUR HELP so BHH can help you or your family if ever needed!  Thank you!  Blood Donor Team

Tuesday, March 31
Boquete Health and Hospice-Presents

The BHH Health Living series 
Being Prepared in Boquete
for Life and Death

Whether you are a resident, snowbird, or visitor, you will want to understand the local services and legal requirements if you find yourself in a health situation: simple or critical and life-threatening.  We expect a full house so please come early. 

 Presenters: Betty Landis and Charlotte Lintz


Falls Prevention and
Awareness Follow Up

Wow, thanks to everyone who attended our Feb. 13 Tuesday Talk on Falls Prevention Awareness.  Merl Will-Wallace and Chuck High provided invaluable information and walking aids instruction that could make you mindful of your next step!

In case you missed the presentation, or if you want more information, we have a gift for you. For an online donation of $20, we will send you a fantastic bonus gift – a download link to a 50 page FALLS AWARENESS and PREVENTION Toolkit  Click the Button Below or see us at our Tuesday Market Table.
Donate for Toolkit
BHH CPR Update

Boquete Health and Hospice’s CPR Training Course has received an overwhelming response from people in our community. We hit the 2020 New Year running with 3 classes scheduled to meet the need of the response. Thank you all.
Now we are looking for people that are willing to train to be the CPR instructors for future classes…English or bilingual speaking, we need both.  We are hoping to have enough instructors available so we can rotate the scheduled classes according to your scheduled needs and desires.
If you are free from any on-going neck, back or knee problems and can get up and down without dizziness or lightheadedness, please consider joining BHH CPR Instructor Training Program. You will receive the training you need to assist in the CPR classes.
Contact BHH if you are interested – info@boquetehealth.org
Here’s to continued success in reaching our community’s needs.
New Page on our Website

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the services BHH provides?
How do I access the services BHH provides?
What are your service area boundaries?
How do I volunteer to work with BHH?
If I don’t have a medical background, can I still volunteer?
What patient care services does BHH provide?
What equipment is available for loan?    
How much does it cost to use the equipment?    
What do you teach in the CPR course?    
Do I get a certificate for completing the CPR course?    
When and where are the CPR courses?
Is the CPR course in English or Spanish?
What is Magic of Music?    
I don’t have a computer.  How can I get the music? 
What is Being Prepared?
Check Out the Answers
Click for List of Medical Resources in Chiriqui
Message from the President

It is with great joy that I welcome our newest members who attended the three-day training session held January 20, 22 and 24.  16 people completed the training, learning, among other things, about the organization, participated in a high-level medical training (including how to assist patients to move safely), an overview of patient care and the importance of maintaining patient confidentiality.

We have increased our membership with nurses, a doctor, a social worker, a chaplain, health care administrators and organizers as well as lovers of sailing, diving, dogs, music, cooking and the arts.  

Welcome to:
Barb S.
Barbara V.
Claudia R.
Craig G.
Deborah H.
Douglas R.
Genie V.
Helena D.
Joan S.
John F.
Katey S.
Kathryn B.
Lynn M.
Martha D.
Sandy D.
William O.
Please welcome them, as I do, with grateful hearts and open arms

"It is with great pride in our wonderful members (and donors) that I can report the following as an addition to our accomplishments for 2019:
Our Meals Team provided 52 meals to 6 people
Our Blood Donor Team provided 36 units of blood to 24 people.  
Thank you everyone."
Council For 2020
Back row left to right
Chris McCall, Liz Bolt, Merl Will-Wallace, Rod Parker
Front row, left to right
Marjorie Ramos Sarner, Lesley Hughes, Joanie Feuerstein, Laurie Collier, Bev Tyler.
Oscar on the Street for Blood Caravan in Spanish
Our Mission

Our mission is to provide palliative care for the terminally ill in order that they may experience death with dignity and limited pain; to inform and promote community health; and, to support people with health and wellness needs by providing information, equipment and volunteer services.
To Make a Donation
 BHHF functions with donations provided by the community. If you are interested in supporting the work we do, please make a donation.

To make a financial contribution by check or cash contact Merl Will-Wallace,our treasurer,at dharma49@icloud.com to arrange a time and place to pick up your donation.

You can also click here to make an online Paypal donation.

For more information visit our website: http://www.boquetehealth.org

We also have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/boqueteheartshandsandhelp/?ref=bookmarks  Please Like our page and share the contents with your family and friends.

All patient information shared with any Boquete Health and Hospice volunteer is kept in the strictest confidence.

To Contact Us

Hospice/Health:  (507) 6781-9250
8am to 5pm Monday to Friday,  9am to 1pm Saturday and Sunday    Please! 

Blood Donor Program: 
WhatApp (507)-6590-2000 or call (507)-6781-9250 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday,  9am to 1pm Saturday and Sunday, Please.

Email:  info@boquetehealth.org
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Thank you

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