Moderators Moderator_02 Posted June 9, 2019 Moderators Posted June 9, 2019 Quote 100 sentenced for domestic violence in first five months Posted 08/06/2019 More than 100 people were sentenced, for the crime of Domestic Violence in Panama in the first five months of 2019 as more people have come forward to break the cycle reports the Public Ministry. But it continues to be one of the major social problems facing the country. With the entry into force of the Accusatory Penal System (SPA), the Ministry deals with complaints of domestic violence 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During 2018, the Family Prosecutor's Office in the metropolitan region dealt with 15,799 victims of physical, psychological or patrimonial violence including 2,630 complaints of mistreatment of men. "Domestic violence endangers the lives and safety of family members. It is also a punishable offense” said Kathia Meléndez, Senior Family Prosecutor. Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted September 18, 2019 Author Moderators Posted September 18, 2019 Quote Former Colón mayor facing domestic violence charges Federico Policani Posted 17/09/2019 Federico Policani, the former mayor of Colón, was released from 48 hours of preventive detention at dawn on Monday, September 16 and will appear in court on Friday to face charges of alleged domestic violence filed by his wife Ariana Lima Young. According to media reports, the alleged aggression took place in his residence, located on 7th Street, Roosevelt Avenue, in Colon city. Policani was a losing Panamenista candidate for a deputy seat in the May elections. Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted September 22, 2019 Author Moderators Posted September 22, 2019 Quote Former mayor charged with domestic violence under country arrest Federico Policani Posted 21/09/2019 Federico Policani The former mayor of Colon (2014 -2019) was charged with alleged domestic violence forbidden to leave the country and ordered to report to authorities twice a month by a judge of guarantees, on Friday, September 20 The hearing was held behind closed doors at the request of the prosecutor because of the vulnerability, of the victim Ariana de Policani. It was argued that publicity in the media has affected her 10-year-old daughter, who has been bullied at the school where she studies. After the hearing, Gabriela Miró the lawyer of the victim, said that there was violence and that the investigations are carried out, but because it is a process that is governed by the rules of the Family Code, the privacy of the case is preferred and more details cannot be given She said it was not the first time that her client filed a complaint and due to the cycle of violence requires psychological attention. A divorce lawsuit will be filed in a friendly manner among the lawyers of the parties, while the defendant must stay away from the residence they both shared. The defense , argued that. "There are no elements that the alleged victim was attacked by Policani." He added that: "all Colon knows that Federico is not an aggressive person." Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted April 22, 2020 Author Moderators Posted April 22, 2020 Quote La violencia doméstica en Panamá puede denunciarse en web de Crime Stoppers Raúl López Aranda • 21 Abr 2020 - 09:01 PM La Secretaria Nacional de Niñez, Adolescencia y Familia (Senniaf) se une al sitio Crime Stoppers para denunciar en la violencia doméstica, delito que ha tenido un aumento durante la cuarentena impuesta por el coronavirus. Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article. Quote Domestic violence in Panama can be reported on Crime Stoppers website <<image.png>> Raúl López Aranda • Apr 21, 2020 - 09:01 PM The National Secretary for Children, Adolescents and Family (Senniaf) joins the Crime Stoppers site to report domestic violence on, a crime that has increased during the coronavirus quarantine. Quote
Moderators Moderator_02 Posted May 19, 2020 Author Moderators Posted May 19, 2020 Quote La violencia doméstica en tiempos de confinamiento Entre marzo y abril de este año, se redujeron las denuncias por violencia doméstica en un 43.6%, comparado con igual período de 2019. Algunos atribuyen la caída a dificultades para interponerlas. Urania Cecilia Molina 19 may 2020 - 12:00 AM Para muchas mujeres y niñas la violencia doméstica es una amenaza que se agrava en estos tiempos de aislamiento. Archivo Una reducción del 43.6% en las denuncias de violencia doméstica reflejan las cifras del Ministerio Público en los últimos dos meses (marzo y abril) en comparación con el mismo período de 2019, lo que coincide con la aplicación de las medidas de confinamiento y ley seca adoptadas por las autoridades sanitarias para contener la propagación de la enfermedad Covid-19 en el país. De acuerdo con las estadísticas, entre marzo y abril pasado en el país se interpusieron 1,627 denuncias (1,109 y 518, respectivamente), mientras que el año pasado sumaron 2,888 (1,380 y 1,508, respectivamente). Si se analiza el primer cuatrimestre, la reducción en los casos cae a 16.2%, en función de que se reportan 4,710 entre enero y abril de 2020, en comparación con 5,627 del año pasado. La directora de Protección de los Derechos de la Mujer de la Defensoría del Pueblo, Jennifer Delgado, atribuyó la disminución de las denuncias por violencia doméstica a los obstáculos que pueden estar enfrentando las mujeres para elevar sus casos ante las autoridades correspondientes. La situación inquieta a Delgado luego de la decisión adoptada por las autoridades de Salud, de levantar la ley seca, es decir, la prohibición de compra de licor. El decreto que levantó la prohibición de compra y venta de licor –vigente desde el 24 de marzo– fue promulgado el pasado 8 de mayo. Delgado expresó que como Defensoría del Pueblo comprenden que pueden haber sectores que consideran el levantamiento de esta restricción como una medida favorable para la economía, sin embargo, dijo, no pueden dejar de expresar su inquietud por el impacto que esta decisión puede generar en poblaciones vulnerables frente a la violencia doméstica, como son las mujeres, niños y adolescentes, así como las personas adultas mayores y con discapacidad. Delgado indicó que, aunque el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas no es el causante de la violencia doméstica, de la sexual y los feminicidios, “sí puede incrementar el riesgo de las agresiones”. Añadió que un hogar en el que ya había manifestaciones de violencia verbal y psicológica, con el consumo de alcohol estas pueden pasar a violencia física. Agregó que en el caso de los delitos sexuales, en los primeros cuatro meses del año hubo 1,527 denuncias, mientras que en el mismo periodo del año pasado se registraron 2,057. No obstante, los feminicidios reflejaron un alza. En el primer cuatrimestre de 2019 se registraron 3 y en el de 2020 se reportaron 4. La activista de los derechos de las mujeres Joyce Araujo expresó que en este momento de confinamiento hay muchas mujeres en riesgo. Advirtió de que durante la cuarentena deben estar presentándose muchas situaciones de violencia doméstica, incluidas intentos de violación sexual y tentativas de homicidio, que no se denuncian porque los mecanismos de protección anunciados por las autoridades no son eficaces. Araujo manifestó que la decisión de las autoridades de levantar la ley seca de por sí no es lo que incide o no en la violencia que viven las mujeres, porque la violencia machista es un tema cultural. Manifestó que el tema del consumo de alcohol y la violencia se debe analizar desde un punto de vista macro, porque no todos los hombres que consumen alcohol terminan protagonizando episodios de violencia. Para Araujo, los hombres que tienen problemas de manejo de la ira y, además, tienen conductas machistas y de comportamiento violento con sus parejas, exparejas o con mujeres en general, son los que representan un riesgo, para ellas y para sus familias. Recientemente, unas 17 organizaciones de defensa de los derechos humanos de las mujeres en Panamá mostraron su inquietud porque las medidas adoptadas por las autoridades sanitarias para contener la propagación del virus SARS-Cov 2 dejan en vulnerabilidad a las mujeres que viven en situación de riesgo de violencia doméstica. Las organizaciones plantearon que el llamado general a la población a quedarse en su casa es, precisamente, un motivo de preocupación por aquellas mujeres, adolescentes y niñas que viven en situaciones de violencia en sus hogares; pues aumenta los riesgos de agresiones, dado que estarán en convivencia directa con su agresor, situación que la coloca en alta vulnerabilidad física y mental. Moderator comment: Below is an unedited automated translation of the above news article. Quote Domestic violence in times of confinement Between March and April this year, complaints of domestic violence were reduced by 43.6%, compared to the same period in 2019. Some attribute the fall to difficulties in filing them. Urania Cecilia Molina May 19, 2020 - 12:00 AM <<violence.jpg>> For many women and girls, domestic violence is a threat that worsens in these times of isolation. Archive A 43.6% reduction in complaints of domestic violence reflects the figures of the Public Ministry in the last two months (March and April) compared to the same period in 2019, which coincides with the application of confinement measures and dry law adopted by health authorities to contain the spread of Covid-19 disease in the country. According to statistics, between March and April in the country 1,627 complaints were filed (1,109 and 518, respectively), while last year they totaled 2,888 (1,380 and 1,508, respectively). If the first quarter is analyzed, the reduction in cases falls to 16.2%, based on the fact that 4,710 are reported between January and April 2020, compared to 5,627 last year. The director of Protection of Women's Rights of the Ombudsman's Office, Jennifer Delgado, attributed the decrease in complaints of domestic violence to the obstacles that women may be facing to raise their cases before the corresponding authorities. The situation worries Delgado after the decision taken by the Health authorities to lift the dry law, that is, the prohibition of the purchase of liquor. The decree that lifted the prohibition on the purchase and sale of liquor - in force since March 24 - was enacted on May 8. Delgado said that as the Ombudsman's Office they understand that there may be sectors that consider lifting this restriction as a favorable measure for the economy, however, he said, they cannot help expressing their concern about the impact that this decision may have on vulnerable populations. against domestic violence, such as women, children and adolescents, as well as older and disabled adults. Delgado indicated that, although the consumption of alcoholic beverages is not the cause of domestic violence, sexual violence and femicides, "it can increase the risk of assaults." He added that a home in which there were already manifestations of verbal and psychological violence, with the consumption of alcohol these can turn into physical violence. He added that in the case of sexual crimes, in the first four months of the year there were 1,527 complaints, while 2,057 were registered in the same period last year. However, femicides reflected an increase. In the first four months of 2019, 3 were recorded and in 2020, 4 were reported. Women's rights activist Joyce Araujo said that at this time of confinement there are many women at risk. He warned that many situations of domestic violence, including attempted rape and attempted homicides, must be occurring during the quarantine, which are not reported because the protection mechanisms announced by the authorities are not effective. Araujo stated that the decision of the authorities to lift the dry law in itself is not what affects or not the violence that women experience, because male violence is a cultural issue. He stated that the issue of alcohol consumption and violence must be analyzed from a macro point of view, because not all men who consume alcohol end up starring in episodes of violence. For Araujo, the men who have anger management problems and, in addition, have macho and violent behaviors with their partners, ex-partners or with women in general, are those who represent a risk, for them and for their families. Recently, some 17 organizations for the defense of the human rights of women in Panama expressed their concern that the measures adopted by the health authorities to contain the spread of the SARS-Cov 2 virus leave vulnerable women who are at risk of domestic violence. The organizations stated that the general call to the population to stay at home is, precisely, a reason for concern for those women, adolescents and girls who live in situations of violence in their homes; since it increases the risks of aggressions, since they will be in direct coexistence with their aggressor, a situation that places them in high physical and mental vulnerability. Quote
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