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Yesterday afternoon’s downpour caused earth movement and flooding in Bajo Mono and El Salto and SINAPROC had to evacuate some people.

Roads were difficult for some to navigate and there were various vehicle crashes.

Minor injuries were attended to locally. 

4 women, 3 men, and a child.

  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Heavy Rains cause Landslides and Accidents, Late May 2019
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Chiriqui deluge rockets vegetable prices


Prices up, avaiability down

Posted 29/05/2019

Heavy rains in Chiriqui, the source of 80% of vegetables sold in the Panama Merca have caused shortages and price surges as high 100%

The agricultural market on the access road to the Centennial Bridge, the cost of some vegetables and legumes has gone up by 20% in the last three days, said Yoris Morales, president of the Association of Agricultural Producers and Marketers of Merca Panama.

The constant rains registered in production areas of the Chiriqui highlands have reduced the supply of lettuce, tomatoes, chayote, cucumber, cabbage and onions in Merca Panama, says Morales.

It has been raining every day but on Monday the rain lasted more than 10 hours.causing   rivers to flood and affecting agricultural areas.

Red lettuce went from 80 cents per pound to $1.25 per pound, at the wholesale price. While romaine lettuce, a consumer favorite, rose from $1,00 to $1.50 a pound.

The chayote unit that was quoted at 12 cents is now at 20 cents, while the cucumber is quoted at 25 cents per pound, 13 cents more than what was set a week ago.

A pound of cabbage went from 30 cents to 60 cents. And this has been the escalation of several products.

If the rains continue in the Chiriqui producing areas, a greater shortage of products and a decrease in available vegetables are predicted, Morales warns.

Augusto Jiménez, a member of the Association of the Highlands Production Community, warned that the rains of the last days have affected lettuce, broccoli and potato crops.

In the absence of sunlight, plants do not develop the process of photosynthesis. The leaves of the lettuce do not develop and moisture increases the attack of pests.

The excess moisture in the fields prevents working with potato harvesting machines, says Jimenez.


  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Heavy Rains in Late May Cause Landslides and Accidents, Fresh Vegetable Prices Skyrocket
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Floods kill one person and cattle


Posted 02/06/2019

Rising flood-waters from rivers  in ,Calobre, Veraguas.  drowned  one person   and numerous cattledamaged    crops and homes and caused  landslides which blocked roads, on Sunday June 2.

One of the  affected producers said that the water level reached more than a meter and a half because of the rains.



  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Heavy Rains in Late May/Early June Cause Death, Landslides and Accidents, Fresh Vegetable Prices Skyrocket
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Moderator comment: I suspect the reference to "Thursday, May 6" really should read "Thursday, June 6" in the below news article.



House collapse follows Panama morning  downpour


Posted 06/06/2019

An early morning heavy downpour on Thursday, May 6  caused the collapse of a house and the evacuation of two other home slocated in Los Andes,  San Miguelito, Units of the Civil protection system  (Sinaproc) continue to monitor the area.



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More collapsed homes expected  says  Sinaproc


Posted 07/06/2019

The collapse of a house after a landslide in, Los Andes in t San Miguelito, which led to being demolished and the evacuation of three other homes, will likely be followed by similar incidents say members of the Civil Protection System (Sinaproc)

Lina Bermúdez, an architect of Sinaproc, said that due to its geographical composition San Miguelito is prone to landslides. this combined with poor construction,  buildings without columns, beams and other elements that give sustainability to the houses and, there is no effective channel for pluvial waters nor the roofs are channeled.   Sinaproc geographer, Luis Villamonte said stressed that San Miguelito is one of the areas with the highest degree of landslides in the capital, due to its unstable slopes and the composition of the soils.



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