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Beef As A Market Sector and the Exportation of Beef (and Other Food Products), Especially to China

Message added by Moderator_02

This topic has been split out from a larger topic on the general subject of the new trade agreements between Panama and China. Also see http://www.chiriqui.life/topic/9508-panama-and-china-and-free-trade-agreement-fta-negotiations-increasing-commercial-cultural-educational-activity-between-the-two-countries/ for more information on these agreements.

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On 10/24/2018 at 11:39 AM, Moderator_02 said:


On 11/5/2018 at 8:13 PM, Moderator_02 said:



Panama to Export Beef to Asia

After the approval of three beef processing plants in Panama by the Chinese authorities, it is expected that in the first months of 2019 the Central American country will begin to export its products.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The meat products plants which received the endorsement by the General Administration of Customs of China to start selling their products to the Asian giant were Matadero de Chiriquí, S.A. (Machisa), Unión Ganadera, S.A. (Ungasa) and Macello.

You may be interested in "Beef: Increasing Business with the US"

Regarding the process of plant accreditation, Eduardo Carles, Minister of Agricultural Development, explained to Prensa.com that "... Twenty days ago, the inspection process of the beef processing plants began, and of the five visited, three meet the requirements of the Chinese authorities. The other two must make minor adjustments."

Carles added that the Panamanian authorities expect "... that in no more than 60 days the protocols can be ready and in the first quarter of 2019, between January and February, a gradual export of these products begins."

Also see "Central America Consumes More Pork Meat"

Aiming to get the endorsement for the export of other products, the authorities of the Central American country reported that they are also working on the approval of phytosanitary and zoo sanitary protocols, so that in the next few weeks begins the inspection of processing plants for pork, chicken, shrimp, mango, avocado and citrus.



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More Agreements Between Panama and China

Varela administration signed 19 agreements with the Asiatic giant, including the meat, sea and fruit exports from Panama, and technological cooperation mechanisms.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

In addition to the Free Trade Agreement between the two nations, the fourth round of negotiations took place weeks ago, and within the framework of the visit of Chinese President Xin Jinping to Panama, bilateral agreements on tourism, trade and agriculture were signed.

Panamaamerica.com.pa reviews that "... Regarding exports, a protocol was signed on phytosanitary requirements for the export of fresh pineapples, meat, cobia and sea products from Panama to China. Other agreements include cooperation mechanisms in infrastructure, technology and financial services."

Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela said that "... he has witnessed the signing of 18 cooperation instruments, in addition to the 28 already signed. We have signed three protocols that will allow our producers to export fruit, meat and seafood products to China."

The article adds that the president of the Asian country "... Xi Jinping noted that China has declared Panama as a tourist destination and highlighted the opening of the first direct flight between China and Central America. President Juan Carlos Varela and Xi Jinping were honorary witnesses of the signing of multiple agreements between officials of both governments."



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Approval to Export Meat to China

In Panama, the processing plant Union Livestock received the endorsement to market beef in the Asian country, and it is expected that the first containers will be shipped in late April.

Friday, March 29, 2019

At the end of last year, it was reported that the meat product plants that received the endorsement by the General Administration of Customs of China to start selling their products to the Asian giant were Matadero de Chiriquí, S.A. (Machisa), Unión Ganadera, S.A. (Ungasa) and Macello.

See "Panama to Export Beef to Asia"

However, only one of the processing plants that made the adjustments requested by the General Directorate of Customs in China obtained the code C-19, which allows it to start exporting beef to the Asian giant.

Prensa.com reports that "... the document was approved during a meeting held by Eduardo Carles, Minister of Agricultural Development, with Chinese customs officials in Beijing."

You may be interested in "Beef: Increasing Business with the US"

The article adds that "... In addition to beef, the customs codes for pineapple and cod were also approved. The Open Blue company programs to send a first trial shipment of vacuum packed cobia fillets in 4, 6 and 8 ounce bags to Shanghai."



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200 tons of Panama meat China bound


Posted 17/05/2019

The first 200 tons of Panama produced meat destined for the Chinese market will soon be on its way.

On March 28, the Government of Panama obtained the code to export meat to China deemed at the time  as  "historic".

The Panamanian Government sees in China a key destination for the Panama Exporta stamp.

Other products such as cobia, white fish and pineapple also received the assignment of customs codes for export to the Asian giant.


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Panama Is Preparing to Export Meat to China

After completing all the requirements, Panamanian authorities announced that next June 21 will leave the first container with 200 tons of beef bound for the Asian country.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

At the end of March, it was reported that the meat product plants that received the endorsement of the General Administration of Customs of China to start marketing their products were Matadero de Chiriquí, S.A.  (Machisa), Unión Ganadera, S.A.  (Ungasa) and Macello.

See "Approval to Export Meat to China

Then, on May 17, Panama received confirmation of the authorization of the first customs code for the export of beef to the Chinese market.

Néstor González, Minister of Commerce and Industries, explained to Laestrella.com.pa that "... the first shipment of beef to the People's Republic of China will take place next Friday, June 21. It is expected that this first container bound for the Asian market will carry about 200 tons of beef on board, under the Panama Exporta seal. And 'the export to China is guaranteed until December'."

You may be interested in “Beef: U.S. Business Increases

Gonzalez added that "... Up to date, Panama has four customs codes to export: pineapple, cod, a species of tuna and beef. Protocols are also being sent for processed products, mainly milk, cheese and shrimp for export."



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First shipment of Panama beef China bound


Posted 22/06/2019

The first shipment of Panamanian beef, headed to the People's Republic of China, under the Panama Exporta label  on Saturday, June 22.

By year end the country will send a total of 1,000 tons of bovine meat to the Asian giant.

In  May, the General Administration of China Customs (GAC,)  enabled the first customs code C-19 for the export of beef for the company Union Ganadera, SA, which will allow the entry ot bovine processed and exported by Panama to the Chinese market.

The process began in September 2017, with the visit of authorities of the Ministry of Quarantine and Agricultural Sanitation of China, with whom the authorities signed a memorandum of understanding to open roads of purchase and export of Panamanian fishery products to the Chinese market.

In September 2018, the sanitary protocols were signed, and  in October, customs authorities carried out inspections of the Panamanian meat, cobia and pineapple plan



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Cattle farmers in the dark over meat exports to China


Posted 29/07/2019

The loudly touted Panama meat exports to China have been in the hands of a single company and has not benefited them at all says a group of farmers from Santander.

Armando Batista, member of the National Livestock Association and president of the Santeño Ganaderos al Rescate Movement, said at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the National Livestock Association, Los Santos chapter, that to date they are unaware of the mechanism and the way in which the contract to export of meat to China, was granted  despite having sent two notes to the administration of former president Juan Carlos Varela.

On June 21, the first container with 22,500 kilos of Panamanian beef from Santo Domingo de Las Tablas left for Shanghai in China.

The loudly touted Panama meat exports to China have been in the hands of a single company and has not benefited them at all says a group of farmers from Santander.

Armando Batista, member of the National Livestock Association and president of the Santeño Ganaderos al Rescate Movement, said at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the National Livestock Association, Los Santos chapter, that to date they are unaware of the mechanism and the way in which the contract to export of meat to China, was granted  despite having sent two notes to the administration of former president Juan Carlos Varela.

On June 21, the first container with 22,500 kilos of Panamanian beef from Santo Domingo de Las Tablas left for Shanghai in China.



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What's Missing for Panama to Export Meat to Costa Rica?

The absence of toxic waste laboratories in the processing plants is one of the obstacles that are preventing Panamanian meat from entering the Costa Rican market.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Representatives of the Panamanian Exporters Association (Apex) explained that Costa Rican regulations require at least 14 toxic waste tests and Panamanian laboratories perform only 8.

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According to the producers, in some cases the analyses cannot be carried out because they do not have the budget for the purchase of the suitable reagents and equipment.

Rosmer Jurado, president of Apex, told Prensa.com that "... The unions continue to push for Panamanian plants to be approved in Costa Rica because the Panamanian poultry and meat industry has an excellent installed capacity, but non-tariff barriers, such as laws and regulations that curb trade, do not allow exports to the region.

Also see "Beef: Exports up to September 2018

Regarding the requirements of the Costa Rican authorities, Jurado added that to do the tests "... it is required that the laboratories be official or private that has the due accreditation, but the private laboratories are not accredited, and the officials do not have the necessary reagents to do the required tests.



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  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Exportation of Beef (and Other Food Products), Especially to China
5 hours ago, Keith Woolford said:

Are exports of beef and chicken not driving up prices for nationals ? 

Is there sufficient production to serve both markets ?

I suspect that the prices we see here for beef have been impacted by the large exportation levels to China. On the other hand, we tend to shy away from Panamanian beef for several reasons.

We are happy for the beef industry here in Panama, but at the same time not too worried about our meat budget being exceeded.

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Beef Slaughtering Up 6% in 2019

Between 2018 and 2019, the number of cattle slaughtered in Panama increased 6%, while the number of pigs slaughtered decreased 9%.

Friday, January 17, 2020

According to the figures of the General Comptroller of the Republic of Panama, 341,188 heads of cattle were slaughtered last year, a figure higher than the 323,289 reported in 2018.

You may be interested in "Beef Meat: Regional Sales up to March 2019"

The report states that in the case of pigs, the number of heads slaughtered for the years in question fell by 9% from 594,917 to 539,610.

Also see "Central America Consumes More Pork Meat"

Regarding the year-on-year variations reported in December 2019, there was a 13% increase in the number of cattle slaughtered, and a 7% decrease in the number of pigs slaughtered.

See full report (in Spanish).



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Beef: Regional Exports Up 24%

From January to June 2020, Central American countries reported $359 million in beef sales abroad, 24% more than what was recorded in the same period of 2019.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Figures from the Trade Intelligence Unit of CentralAmericaData:

Nicaragua, Main Seller
In the first six months of 2020 the main exporter in the region continued to be Nicaragua, with $267 million, followed by Costa Rica, with $59 million, Panama, with $21 million, Honduras, with $10 million and Guatemala, with $3 million. El Salvador did not record significant exports.

For the period in question, Panamanian sales abroad increased 106% year-on-year, Honduran sales 84%, Costa Rican sales 46% and Nicaraguan sales 16%. In the case of Guatemalan exports, a 28% decrease was reported.

Regional Sales Up
Between January and June 2019 and the same period in 2020, the value of fresh, refrigerated and frozen beef exports from Central America rose 24%, from $289 million to $359 million.

Regional sales to the U.S. increased 39%, from $114 million to $159 million.

Destination of Exports
In the first quarter of 2019, 44% of the value exported from Central America was destined for the U.S., 12% for China, 7% for Puerto Rico, 6% for Mexico and 4% for Taiwan.

Export Prices
Between November 2014 and June 2020, the average price per kilogram exported of fresh, chilled and frozen beef from the region fell 16%, dropping from $5.34 to $4.50.



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