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Shuffling administration delays kids hospital

Aging overcrowded kids' hospital
Post Views: 64
THE NEW TESTAMENT  message “Suffer little children to come unto me” is alive and well at Panama’s children’s hospital (Hospital del Nino), but the message doesn’t appear to resonate with the Ministry of Health (Minsa) as it shuffles from delay to delay in replacing the ageing and ailing structure.

The overcrowded facility treats some 250 emergency patients every day a figure that jumped by up to a 100   with the  September closure of the Hospital San Miguel Arcángel.

Talk of a new home has been around since Ricardo Martinelli’s castle in the air project – a 70-story Ministry of Finance tower on the site of the former  US Embassy –  was abandoned and it was announced that dollar manipulators  would be replaced with medical staff and sick kids in a shiny new, hospital. A figure of $62 billion was bandied around. Over  five years later, with Martinelli long gone the site on Avenida Balboa serves  as a parking lot and the Varela administration, not famed for speedy action is  still shuffling and while it manages to find multi-millions to devote to Church structures,  it falls short in practical Christianity like  the needs of those “little children.”. A study by the Technological University of Panama (UTP) and the Fire Department of Panama warns that current  facilities  “must be replaced.”

The stage of preparation of studies and plans for the hospital should have ended in March of this year but, after an addendum and setbacks, it still sits in the pending basket. And the tender for construction remains stagnant.

Iveth Olmos, Director of Infrastructure at Minsa, said that this is a project that takes time, and the phase of studies and plans will culminate in December.

The design contract was awarded in December 2015, but it was not until six months later, in June 2016, that the order to proceed was delivered. If the overworked staff at the hospital worked at the same pace those 250 daily emergency patients would be the sufferers.



  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Administrative Issues Delay New Hospital for Children
  • 1 year later...
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New  kids hospital dream  remains a parking lot

Post Views: 137
Staff at Panama ’s sick kids hospital (Hospital del Nino) who have struggled with cramped and outdated facilities under successive administrations holding out the carrot of “a new hospital soon”  have had their hopes dimmed once again.

Building a new children’s hospital in the country has become the most complex and delayed public health project during the last two government administrations while the site remains a parking lot.

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) must make another tender for the construction of the new facility after the Directorate of Public Procurement ordered the complete annulment of the evaluation reports of the five consortia who participated in the prequalification act.


The Public Procurement Directorate annulled the reports prepared by the commission that evaluated in September and November the companies interested in participating in the tender to build the hospital on the grounds of the former  US Embassy on Balboa Avenue.

In a report, the DGCP ordered the return of the administrative file of the prequalification process to the bidding entity (Ministry of Health) and warned that there is no recourse against this resolution that totally suspends the prequalification process.

The Ministry must appoint a new commission to evaluate the proposals presented by the consortia for developing the hospital project.

The decision of the DGCP arose after the public act was twice suspended, due to claims presented by participatingp companies.

The consortiums filed actions against the process, after the evaluating commission appointed by the Minsa ratified on two occasions that the proposals of the consortiums Nuevo Hospital del Niño (of Portugal) and FCC América Hospital del Niño (of Spain) were the only ones that  met the requirements established in the prequalification document

Esteban Perdomo, president of the Association of Specialists of the Children’s Hospital, asked the government to act as quickly as possible so that the work is tendered and awarded in this government.

“We do not ask a new hospital for medical or administrative personnel, but for Panamanian children,” Perdomo said.

Former Comptroller Carlos Vallarino said there is no justification for the long delay when the bidding entity has the appropriate staff for the procedures.

Health Minister Miguel Mayo, said that the project will be tendered and awarded in this administration.

According to the authorities, the pediatric center works daily at its maximum capacity. Hospital data shows that the occupation is generally an average of 380 of the 399 beds available.



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Sick Kids Hospital doctors stage street demonstration

Post Views: 50
Doctors and specialists from Panama’s Children’s Hospital (HN), took to the streets on  Monday, December 17, to express their frustrations over the delay in the construction of the new facilities that has spanned two administrations.

The doctors said they have waited for a long time and now face the cancelation of the  bidding process for the construction after claims were presented by some companies against  those that obtained better scores and now they have no idea when construction will start

They explained that the facilities in the 60-years-old building are in terrible condition and  doctors seeking admittance for children have to fight for beds.



  • 2 months later...
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Scam artists in false appeal for kids hospital

Posted 17/02/2019
Scam artists have been boarding public transport vehicles in Panama, armed with forged documents to raise money for the Hospital Fek Nino (Children’s Hospital on Avenida Balboa.

The fraudsters carry a letterhead and a stamped note containing the logos of the Children's Hospital and the Ministry of Health, to request money for the operation of a minor that will supposedly be hospitalized for two months.

The note has a validity date from February 1 to March 15, 2019, and bears the forged “signature” of Dr. Alberto Bissot, current head of the Neonatal Ward of the Hospital del Niño.

"At no time does our institution make this type of plea to request money for relatives for the treatment of patients who come to our facilities," said a  Hospital statement calling on the public to be alert to the scam.



  • 1 month later...
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New Sick  Kid’s Hospital delayed again


The site stands empty

Posted 26/03/2019
The presentation of proposals for the design and construction of a new children's hospital to replace the aging overcrowded Hospital Del Nino has been delayed again, It has been rescheduled for April 15. The planning began in the early days of the Martinelli administration, nearly 10 years ago, but has run into roadblocks and obfuscation through two administrations.
Meanwhile, the staff at the current near 70-year-old current hospital continue to wait and hope.
The new structure will be on the site of the former US embassy on Avenida Balboa.


  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Vision of a New Hospital in PC for Children Remains a Parking Lot
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Election campaigners visit “pediatric time bomb”

Posted 03/04/2019
Ten days after hearing of yet another postponement of the reception of proposals for the construction of the new Hospital del Niño, representatives of the campaigns and some presidential candidates toured the medical center on  Wednesday, April 3. 

The project to replace the aging and cramped hospital has been on the drawing board through two presidencies.

In agreement with the hospital, the  Board of the Children's Hospital decided to open the doors of the institution to the representatives of the candidates who aspire to the Presidency Independent  

Presidential candidates Ricardo Lombana and Ana Matilde Gómez and Xenia de Ameglio (wife of Marco Ameglio) attended along with Maribel Gordón, vice-presidential candidate for the Broad Front for Democracy; Yazmín Colón de Cortizo, wife of the  PRRD presidential candidate Laurentino Cortizo; Vicky Heurtematte, wife of Rómulo Roux, CD presidential candidate and René Braccio Sáez, for the Panameñista Party.

The intention of this tour, according to a statement from the Children's Hospital, was for the aspirants to see "first-hand the current conditions of the center, their needs, as well as the urgency that exists to build a new pediatric care center".

On March 24, it was reported that the Ministry of Health changed the date for submitting bids for the construction, equipment, and maintenance of the new Hospital del Niño, the Santo Tomás Hospital maternity and adjoining areas and the restoration of the gardens and  remodeling of the La Abeja building, for the sum of $558.7 million


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Sick kids hospital staff have had enough

Posted 09/04/2019
Doctors, nurses, technical and administrative staff of Panama’s children’s hospital Hospital del Nino took to the street near the aging facility, on Tuesday, April 9 chanting “We Can’t take it anymore”

The  protest  comes after the Ministry of Health changed the date of presentation of proposals for the tender for the construction, equipment, and maintenance of the $558.7 million new structures of the Hospital del Niño, the maternity hospital of Santo Tomás and annexed areas, and the restoration of the gardens and remodeling of the La Abeja building, The presentation of proposals, scheduled for last March, was reset scheduled for April 15. This is the second date change made in this phase.  the first call was set for February 21. Promises of a new hospital fro replace the near 70  year old, overcrowded  building have been mooted through three presidencies.



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Chinese and Spanish bids for new children’s hospital


Posted 15/04/2019

After years of delay,  and ongoing pleas and protests the staff of Panama’s crumbling children’s hospital can now expect to see early progress on the construction of a new Hospital del Nino,

on Monday, April 15, the much- much-rescheduled bidding process that for the execution of the project opened. In the amphitheater of the Presidency of the Republic.

TheMinistry of Health called for the best value for the construction, equipment and corrective and preventive maintenance of the new structures.

The construction of the new maternity wing ward of the Santo Tomás Hospital (HST) was also included in the project, said Health Minister Miguel Mayo.

Two international consortiums, the Chinese state Camce, and the Spanish company Acciona.presented their proposals, which must be evaluated by a commission, for which a  time period has not been defined.

The Chinese company presented an economic proposal of $ 612.9 million, while the Spanish consortium offered $614.1 million. The tender also includes the construction of underground parking lots.



  • 1 month later...
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$614 million contract for new  children’s hospital


Posted 22/05/2019

After six years of prevarication, the Ministry of Health has selected a company for the construction of a $614 million children’s hospital (Hospital del Nino) on the site of the former US Embassy.

Acciona Construcción obtained the highest score of the evaluation committee with  87.92, while its competitor Consorcio Camce Hospital del Niño obtained 72 points.

Even though Camce obtained the highest score in its economic proposal and in economic solvency (30 points) but got zero points for experience.

The economic proposal of Acciona Construction was for the sum of  $614,118,054.




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Proposals to Build Children's Hospital Qualified

Acciona Construcción, S.A.'s proposal was the best qualified in the tender for the construction and equipment of the new Children's Hospital in Panama.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The CAMCE Consortium's proposal totaled $613 million and that of Consorcio Acciona Construcción, S.A. was $614 million, both presented at the public ceremony held on April 15.

See "Two Proposals for Hospital Work"

According to the report of the Evaluation Commission, published on May 22, 2019 in the portal PanamaCompra, the proposal of the CAMCE Consortium obtained a 72 score and that of Consorcio Acciona Construcción, S.A. was 87.92.

After having qualified the proposals, Consorcio Acciona Construcción, S.A. is the virtual winner of the tender, however, there is still a possibility that claims will be made.

Paul Gallardo, director of the Children's Hospital, explained to Prensa.com that "... now it is necessary to wait for the time established by Law 22 of June 2007 (on public contracts) for the companies that participated in the process to make the claims they consider. If no claim action is filed, Minsa will be able to award the project."

See award details.


  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Vision of a New Hospital for Children in PC Remains a Parking Lot
  • 3 weeks later...
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Green light for new children's hospital


An architect's concept of the new hospital

Posted 15/06/2019

By Margot Thomas

AFTER  years of delay starting with the Martinelli administration and extending through the reign of Juan Carlos Varela the contract to build a replacement for the aging and overcrowded Children’s Hospital (Hospital del Niño )  is expected to be delivered on Monday. June  17

 The hospital will be built on the site of the former US embassy on Avenida  Balboa and the price tag, including a new maternity wing for Hospital Santo Tomas, will be$614,118,054.

The hospital will have 476 beds14 operating rooms and 700 parking spaces. The maternity wing will have  244 beds and  14 operating rooms.

The ruling of the General Directorate of Public Procurement on Friday, June 16 that the Acciona Construction consortium is the winner of the tender “'does not admit any appeal”'.  

The Children's Hospital  authorities  who have lobbied and organized street protests in the past said in  a statement

"The Children's Hospital collaborators are extremely happy that this phase of the process has been resolved. "We see more clearly the desire to have new facilities for the benefit of our pediatric population,." said Paul. Gallardo, medical director of the hospital center.

Gallardo expects the Ministry of Health to award the contract on  Monday, while Esteban Perdomo, president of the Association of Medical Specialists of the Hospital del Niño, said that they trust the entity to accelerate t this process in such a way that it can continue with the following phases.

"Elizabeth Castaño is a pediatric infectologist at the hospital who has been one of those organizing demonstrations is more cautious.  First, she says, we must see if there are funds to start the project and second, she is concerned about the international public accusations against Acciona.

'We must monitor every expense that is made and monitor that the materials and finished are of quality. It is a hospital that will be built, not a street, "she told La Estrella.

The history of the construction of the new hospital began on August 14, 2012, when the then president Ricardo Martinelli, presided over the act of handing over the land and announced the construction, starting the following year. That day, the Martinelli government transferred the land of the former US Embassy to the Ministry of Health (Minsa), after protests against a public-private real estate project that the Ministry of Economy and Finance intended to develop.

The act of transfer was only a photo-op for Martinelli. On the site not a stone was moved during the Martinelli administration and in another place, the trumpeted Hospital Cty  that supporters wanted to name after him, stumbled from one crisis to another 

With the arrival of the current Government, a company prequalification tender was held,  but after, five years work was not started and the price tag swelled by over $300, million.

It will be up to the Cortizo government to see that the aging and overcrowded crumbling  Hospital del Nino is replaced by a facility worthy of its staff and young patients.



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Children’s hospital project in doldrums after 15 years


Posted 20/06/2019

STAFF of Panama’s aging and cramped children’s hospital,-Hospital del Nino- returned to the streets again on Thursday, June 20 as the news spread that the anticipated delivery of the contract for a new hospital and a maternity wing for Hospital Santo Tomas has hit yet another roadblock.

The Chinese consortium Came Hospital del Niño, one of the two participants in the tender for the construction of the new   Hospital and the maternity ward has  filed an appeal before the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court.

They claim illegality against the Ministry of Health (Minsa), which hampers the award of the project to the company Acciona Construcción,, recommended last May by the evaluation committee.

The warning of illegality was presented on June 18 by the Chinese consortium after the General Directorate of Public Procurement issued that same day a resolution, which did not admit a claim against the tender and ordered its filing.

In view of the development Health Minister, Miguel Mayo, said informed that, on the recommendation of his department’s legal the legal department of his office, he will not award the project to the company Acciona Construcción, until the Third Chamber of the Administrative Litigation is pronounced.

Meanwhile, the Board of Children's Hospital called on the magistrate assigned to the appeal to issue a ruling as soon as possible. The board recalled that this project has been postponed in for  15 years, although it is an urgent need for the neediest pediatric population in the country.

Acciona Construcción,  offered to carry out the project, for  $614.1 million while the Chinese consortium quoted $612.9 million. The reference price established by the Minsa was $558.7 million.

The construction of a new hospital has been ongoing for years. Even in the past government (2009-2014), a tender was opened, but then it was canceled due to claims from losing consortiums.

The current government began the act for the prequalification of companies in April 2018 but stalled due to multiple claims.

When it gets the go ahead the new hospital will be built on the site of the former US embassy on Avenida Balboa.



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OPINION: Children's health not  a  business


Posted 26/06/2019

Our public contracting system is costing us lives and health. Since 2013, an attempt has been made to tender a new Children's Hospital, but these efforts have failed for many reasons, especially due to the constant challenges by the construction companies. This has caused unforgivable overcrowding in the main child care medical center throughout the country. The beds in the six main rooms have a 100% occupancy, and the incubators have had to be placed at a closer distance than recommended, due to lack of space. This hospital has essentially the same physical structure since 1979. In those 40 years, the Panamanian population more than doubled. In addition, important advances in medical technology cannot be incorporated into current facilities due to lack of space. As with the bids for medicines and surgical supplies from the Social Security Fund, the stagnation of the construction of the new Children's Hospital needs to be resolved urgently. The incoming government must change the rules of these tenders so that our bad health is not a good business. – LA PRENSA, May 26



  • 3 weeks later...
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Road Paved for Awarding Hospital Work

The Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice did not admit the warning of illegality presented by the CAMCE Consortium in the tender process for the construction and equipping of the new Children's Hospital in Panama.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

According to the report of the Evaluation Commission, published on May 22, 2019 on the PanamaCompra portal, the CAMCE Consortium's proposal, which totaled $613 million, obtained a score of 72 and that of Consorcio Acciona Construcción, S.A., which totaled $614 million, its rating was 87.92. See evaluation details.

Prensa.com reports that "... Magistrate Abel Zamorano, who was assigned the file by distribution, determined in his analysis that the "report of the evaluation commission" is a "simple act" of the tender and, on the contrary, it is not an administrative act capable of creating, modifying and extinguishing a "legal relationship" to be warned of illegal. He stated that the administrative act that meets the characteristics of creating a legal relationship is the decision of the Ministry of Health, which is responsible for awarding the tender process. In other words, the consortium had to wait for Minsa's decision, then present the warning of illegality.

You may be interested in "Hospital Infrastructure: $810 million in investments

Rosario Turner, Minister of Health, explained that "... they know that the Third Chamber did not admit the warning of illegality filed by one of the participating consortiums, and now with that the Minsa can proceed freely to award the hospital project. The institution will comply with the legal provisions and will proceed in accordance with the law."

The tender consists of the construction, equipment and corrective and preventive maintenance of the New Children's Hospital, the maternity ward of the Santo Tomás Hospital and adjacent areas, restoration of the gardens and remodeling of the La Abeja Building.



  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Vision of a New Hospital for Children in PC
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New children’s hospital gets Supreme Court green light


THE SITE awaits

Posted 11/07/2019

AFTER a 15-year hiatus a new Children’s Hospital is close to getting a green light says Panama Minister of Health, Rosario Turner.

The  $614 million Hospital del Niño includes a new maternity wing for Hospital Santo Tomas. It will be built on the former site of the US Embassy  on Ave Balboa

 Turner reported that the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court did not admit an appeal of illegality against the public act of bidding for the construction of the hospital and the Ministry (MinsaI can proceed to the award of the contract to the favored company.

"This last claim put by the Chinese-Turkish consortium had to go to the Supreme Court  and  was not  admitted.”

The director of the Hospital del Niño, Paúl Gallardo said "We are very happy with the news, it seems that soon the construction of the hospital will begin It has been  an urgent need for 15 years"  The old structure is overcrowded and with insufficient beds to cope with the city’s expanding population.



  • 2 weeks later...
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Children's Hospital: An Endless Story

Although the warning of illegality presented by the CAMCE Consortium in the tender to build and equip the new Children's Hospital in Panama was not admitted, the tender was again suspended.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The history of the tender for the "Construction, equipment and corrective and preventive maintenance of the New Children's Hospital, the Maternity Hospital of Santo Tomás and Annexed Areas, restoration of gardens and remodeling", seems to have no end, since in the last resolution of the General Directorate of Public Contracting (DGCP) the public act was ordered to be suspended.

You may be interested "Hospital Infrastructure: $810 million in investments

According to the report of the Evaluation Commission, published on May 22, 2019 in the portal PanamaCompra, the proposal of the CAMCE Consortium which totaled $613 million scored 72 million and that of Consorcio Acciona Construcción, S.A. which totaled $614 million its rating was 87.92. See details of the evaluations.

Despite the fact that the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice did not admit the warning of illegality presented by the CAMCE Consortium, the DGCP ordered the tendering entity to proceed immediately and in view of the importance for public health, to carry out the corresponding investigation to determine the veracity or falsity of the documentation provided with the CAMCE Consortium Proposal.

The document explains that "the suspension of the Public Act is ordered until the steps are concluded to elucidate the warnings regarding the alleged incorporation of false documentation within the Proposal presented by the CAMCE Consortium for the Children's Hospital."



  • 3 months later...
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New children's hospital faces further never ending atory delay


Hospital del Nino. outdated, overcrowded

Posted 27/10/2019

With occupancy at its maximum level Panama’s Children’s hospital (Hospital del Nino ) will have to face new delays before work begins on a new structure after five years of public events and ten years of great expectations.

This weekend was Panama Compra a resolution from the National Directorate of Public Procurement that orders the Ministry of Health (Minsa) to create yet another evaluation committee n to carry out a comprehensive review of the proposals that were presented in the public event of January 2019.

At that time, two tendering business groups submitted proposals: the Spanish Acciona Construcción, to which the evaluation commission initially awarded the highest score, and the Asian Camce Hospital del Niño. The project was not awarded because the losing company filed claims.

On July 15, the Public Procurement Directorate ordered Minsa to carry out investigations in order to complete the "truthfulness or falsity" of the documentation provided in the Camce consortium proposal, as well as the "validity" of the Acciona Construcción bond.

In the middle of this process, the Presidency of the Republic also created a committee, tp evaluate the future of the tender.

With this decision adopted by Public Procurement - the suspension of the tender was lifted and the proposals of both consortia will be evaluated again.

Hospital del Nino director, Paul Gallardo, and his staff have asked the Minsa authorities to make a quick decision given the overcrowded state of its wards and the emergency area.

The Children's Hospital attends about 350 patients daily in the overcrowded Emergency Department.

The price tag
The $558 million tender was published on January 8, 2019. However, public events to build the new structures have been held for more than five years and they never conclude.

According to the project, the new building of the Children's Hospital will have 476 beds and 14 operating rooms and a space for 700 parking lots.

It also includes the construction of a new maternity hospital for Santo Tomás Hospital, which will have 244 beds, 14 operating rooms, and 30 full-delivery room


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Children's Hospital: New Delay in Tender Process

In Panama, the Ministry of Health was ordered to set up a new evaluation commission to examine the proposals presented at the public ceremony, which has not been awarded for five years.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The public tender to award the construction, equipment and corrective and preventive maintenance of the New Children's Hospital, the Maternity Hospital of Santo Tomás and Annexed Areas, restoration of gardens and remodeling", continues to be extended, this time because of the resolution issued by the General Directorate of Public Contracting.

You may be interested in "Hospital Infrastructure: $810 million in investments"

The order was issued as a result of a claim by Consorcio Camce Hospital del Niño, a business group that is unhappy with the decision of the bidding board to award Acciona Construcción S.A. the contract to execute the hospital works valued at close to $560 million.

Also see "Children's Hospital: An Endless Story"

The document that was published in PanamaCompra on October 25, 2019, specifies that "... Orders the Bidding Entity (Ministry of Health) to proceed to the formation of a New Evaluation Commission to carry out a new integral evaluation of the proposals presented in the Public Act ...".


  • 4 weeks later...
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OPINION: Bidding boondoggle puts  kids lives at risk


Bidders wrangle, patients wait

Posted 27/11/2019

The third line of the Panama Metro is a state project, which will improve the quality of life for more than 500 thousand people who will benefit, directly and indirectly, from their services. The recent tender that awarded the work to a Korean consortium has been challenged by other participants, who have the right to be heard.

 However, Panama cannot accept the repetition of the new Children's Hospital, whose construction has been postponed due to the multiplicity of resources and legal actions brought by the losers of the tender. This has caused a significant deterioration in the health of Panamanian children.

Situations like these are the result of an opaque and ambiguous public procurement regime, which facilitates all kinds of tricks. As if it wasn't obvious, now more than ever, The public procurement law must be amended promptly to have clear rules, exemplary penalties for cheats, and as a result the compliance in time, price, and quality of goods and services acquired by the Panamanian State. Each day of delay and every penny of cost overruns represent lost lives and irreparable damage.



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New Children’s Hospital hits another roadblock


Nice paint job but worn out facilities

Posted 04/12/2019

After over 10 years of delays Panama’s overcrowded  and outdated Hospital del Nino (Children’s Hospital)  is again left swinging in the wind with the news that the two  proposals presented for the construction of a new hospital, did  not comply with the  requirements that will allow the Commission to move on to the weighting stage of the proposals.

 The Hospital, director Paul Gallardo,  anticipates that there will be another tender in January 2020.



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President asked to grasp the nettle in stalled  kids’ hospital project


Posted 05/01/2020

Patient organizations have called on President Cortizo to take responsibility for the tender to build a new Hospital del Nino after the General Directorate of Public Procurement (DGCP) again ordered an analysis of the documentation presented by the consortiums that participated in the bidding: Camce Hospital del Niño and Acciona Construcción.

The promise of a new hospital on Ave Balboa  to replace the current outdated and overcrowded  structure has been dangled in front of staff and the public  y three administrations for over 15 years

Roger Barés , president of the Committee for Patient and Family Protection, said the issue must leave the Ministry of Health (Minsa) and be assumed by the President so that the bidding process is finally concluded. "Mr. Cortizo: you must take the baton to realize the new hospital, because, above the  economic interest in the project, there is the interest of the children," he said.

According to Barés, the current structures of the pediatric center have problems in their slabs and there is marked overcrowding because the demand for attention grows over 15 years.

After the announcement of the DGCP, the Minister of Health, Rosario Turner, said she will meet with her legal team to evaluate the best alternatives, so that the new hospital becomes a reality in this governmental management

The Ministry of Health( Minsa) expressed its "concern", since the new DGCP instruction would "further" delay the construction of the new Children's Hospital.

In a statement  Minsa said “The Ministry is, respectful of the norm, will abide by the mandate of the DGCP and will reinforce the maintenance and security measures necessary for the existing hospital, in compliance with respecting the human rights of those who come in search of decent care,” he said,

In addition, they are aware that the population requires that the new Children's Hospital be a reality, but it will be carried out under quality standards, transparency and following due process.

Last Friday, the DGCP ordered a new analysis of the proposal presented by the Camce Hospital del Niño consortium, in the tender to build a new hospital headquarters.

Regarding the offer presented by the other bidder, Acciona Construcción, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is asked to consult the Comptroller General if the bond proposed by the consortium complies with the validity stipulated in the tender specifications.

According to the initial project, the new building of the children's medical center will have 2 basements, ground floor and 20 floors. In addition, a three-level parking lot will be built under the gardens of the Santo Tomás Hospital.

The gardens will be restored, as will the chapel, in accordance with the coordination with the National Directorate of Historical Heritage of the Ministry of Culture.



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Health Ministry  ok’s new children’s  hospital tender


The current hospital, outdated and overcrowded

Posted 09/03/2020

After years of prevarication and delays magnified by “objections” from consortiums who did not succeed in bidding for contracts The Ministry of Health (Minsa)  on Monday March 9  awarded the Spanish consortium Acciona Construcción SA, the tender for the construction of the new Hospital del Nino (Children’s Hospital)  in Calidonia.

Promises of a new center to replace the aging structure on Avenida Balbo have spread over four administrations while staff continue to work in overcrowded conditions with insufficient beds for patients.

The current bidding began from the beginning of 2019, the Chinese consortium Camce also participated, however, during the qualification process the evaluation commission formed by the MINSA awarded a score of 87.92 to Acciona and 87 to Camce.

The tender was characterized by complaint resources that extended the process and that generated discomfort among executives of the Children's Hospital, and of organizations that defend the rights of patients who go to the pediatric hospital daily, who demand the early construction of a new hospital since the current one is over 60 years old



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Children's Hospital: Has the Story Ended?

After the claims were solved, the Panamanian Ministry of Health awarded the contract to build and equip the new Children's Hospital to the consortium Acciona Construccion S.A.

Monday, March 9, 2020

The last claims of this work, which has been trying to be awarded for years, arose after the results of the competition were known, since the report of the Evaluation Commission details that the proposal of Consorcio CAMCE, worth $613 million, obtained a score of 72 and that of Consorcio Acciona Construcción, S.A., valued at $614 million, had a score of 87.92. See details of the evaluations (in Spanish).

As a result of these claims, last year the General Directorate of Public Procurement (DGCP) ordered the suspension of the public event. However, in December 2019, the Ministry of Health requested that the claim filed by the Camce Hospital del Niño consortium be dismissed, arguing that these actions have made the execution of the project difficult.

The history of the tender for the "Construction, equipment and corrective and preventive maintenance of the New Children's Hospital, the Santo Tomas Hospital Maternity Hospital and Related Areas, restoration of the gardens and remodeling", seems to have come to an end, since in the last resolution the Ministry of Health ordered to award the contract to Acciona Construction.

The document dated 9 March 2020 states that "... That the bidders have had the opportunity to file a complaint with the General Directorate of Public Contracting, which was attended to by this administrative body, as published on the PanamaCompra website.

The company Acciona Construcción, S.A., is considered the best value proposal with the highest rating according to the evaluation methodology described in the tender document, and the Entity must proceed to award the public act by means of a reasoned resolution.

Consequently, the Minister of Health, duly empowered to award the contract, in use of her legal and delegated powers.

See details of the tender (in Spanish).

Source: CentralAmericaData.COM



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Spanish company to build $614 million Children’s Hospital


Posted 11/06/2020

The Ministry of Health has awarded the $614.2 million contract  for the construction, equipment and maintenance of the new Children's Hospital, to the Spanish company Acciona Construcción.The project "will involve building one of the country's main hospital complexes, with 720 beds, between the general medical center and the annexed maternity hospital" at the Santo Tomás hospital, Acciona said in a public statement on Thursday, June 11.

The company specified that it will also be responsible for the restoration of the gardens, the rehabilitation of the building for administrative services and other adjoining facilities.

The renovated hospital complex will span more than 165,000 square meters of new construction, as well as another 5,700 square meters rehabilitated.  "The Children's Hospital will have more than 94,000 square meters, which implies 476 beds and 14 operating rooms; in addition, a space of more than 24,000 square meters will be allocated for 700 parking spaces.

Additionally, the new maternity wing of Santo Tomás will have 244 beds, 14 operating rooms, and 30 delivery rooms, "Acciona said..

Acciona won the tender for this work in May 2019 and last March the Ministry of Health confirmed it through a resolution after rejecting six claims filed by the.

Acciona began its activity in Panama in 2013 with the construction of the Dr. Rafael Hernández Specialized Hospital Center in David.



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Children’s Hospital open for business with new protocols


Posted 05/08/2020

Panama’s  Children's Hospital (Hospital del Niño), plans to re-open care in the Specialized External Consultation Service on Monday, August 10, and has re-engineered facilities and rules to guarantee physical distance, to reduce crowding and minimize the chain of infections of  the covid-19 virus.

The service will prioritize the specialties with the highest demand and, 10 of the 32 medical specialties will be offered, including neurology, dermatology, hematology, cardiology, endocrinology, neonatology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, orthopedics and infectology.

The staff of the Health Statistics and Records Service will be responsible for reassigning the appointments, of each patient by phone, and will call 48 hours before to confirm the appointment and ensure that they have not had contact with a COVID-19 patient nor have suspicious symptoms. In the case of presenting those situations, a new appointment will be rescheduled within a waiting period of not less than 20 days, the hospital reported.

The hospital has enabled the telephone lines so that new patients can coordinate their appointments and clarify the doubts of parents regarding the monitoring of their child's care. The protocol includes certain preventive measures that those who attend an appointment must comply with: attend on time, only one family member or companion per patient will be allowed, new patients must call to coordinate their appointment and when going to the hospital they must bring the medical reference, the use of a mask is mandatory except for children under two years, the consumption of food and beverages is prohibited.

Within the Hospital, measures have been established to guarantee hygiene, including liquid soap or alcohol gel and paper towels in the doctors’ and health services offices

Alcoholic gel dispensers will be located in the Waiting, entrance of the corridors, and reception. Sanitary and administrative staff will be reinforced with biosecurity measures regarding hand cleaning, use of a mask, equipment disinfection and waste management, among others.



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