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Sheila Strunk

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Posts posted by Sheila Strunk


    On October 27, 2019, Amigos de Animales spayed or neutered 316 animals, 141 dogs and 175 cats with 7 vets working. This was a record day for us, the first time we had over 300 animals. But it is not just about the numbers, it is about the animals that will not be reproducing in the streets. It is about the families who we have reached and helped. It is about the students who we have met over the years and watched grow and mature and graduate. It is about our volunteers who return month after month and the new volunteers who are just beginning to work with us. It is about all of us who work every month and gain so much more than we give. It has been a great year for us in so many ways, we have seen what we can do and are looking forward to doing even more next year.


    It is always fun to see how some people dress up their animals, even for the clinic. One person did not want her dog to go into surgery without her fancy dress on!


    Thank you to everyone who has contributed food to our clinic. Jane Hampton, along with Cheryl Schmidt, always makes sure that everyone is well fed all day long. We thank everyone who brings food, and a special thanks to Heidi and Mike of Mike’s Global Grill. For years they have been donating pizzas to our clinic, something our vets look forward to every month.



    The 2020 Animales calendars are now on sale and going fast. You can find them at the Tuesday Market, Mike’s Global Grill, Mail Boxes Etc, and Larry’s Place. All proceeds support our spay/neuter clinics.



    On January 23, 2020four local animal welfare groups - Amigos de Animales, Los Mininos Cat Sanctuary, Salvadores de Animales, and La Casa de los Animales - will come together to raise funds to sterilize local cats and provide care for homeless cats and kittens in the Boquete community.  This will be a gala evening at Boulder 54 with auctioning of art works by local artists, thus supporting the local arts community while raising awareness of animal welfare, public health, and the role that all Boquete residents can play in raising the quality of life for humans and animals in our town. Mark your calendars, more detail to follow soon!
    If you want to donate art or buy ticketsvisit www.topcatandtails.org


    As the year comes to an end, please keep Amigos de Animales in your plans for tax-deductible donations. We are a registered US 501(c)(3) entity and any donations you make to us through this are tax deductible in the US. We welcome any donations made in Panama as well; we are also a registered not-for-profit here. Our work over the years has not only helped the dogs and cats of Boquete but also its residents, greatly enhancing our town’s livability and general health.

    We have much to be grateful for this year from our hard working volunteers to our wonderful vets to the town of Boquete that has embraced us and our mission.7dcfc02d-da64-453d-b957-a45daa0cc174.jpg

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

    Alicia McGuigan
    Copyright © 2019 Amigos de Animales, All rights reserved. 
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    Amigos de Animales


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    On Sunday March 31, 2019, Amigos de Animales spayed or neutered 259 animals, 135 dogs and 124 cats with five vets working: Drs. Aaron, Virgilio, Amanda, Ingrid, and Ricardo, along with Dras. Sandy and Chely. We were planning for “only” about 200 animals so the larger number was not what we expected, but everyone rose to the occasion. It was a longer day than our usual of late but the vets kept going and the volunteers stayed to see us through, which we greatly appreciate.

    There was a kitty crush at the beginning and we did not quite have enough volunteers, so the kitty workers doubled up and worked through it. It is hard to know what the right number of volunteers will be at any given clinic; sometimes we are slow, sometimes so fast we can’t all keep up, sometimes more big dogs, sometimes more cats – flexibility and good attitudes keep us going no matter what!



    My personal favorite moment of the day was with a cat named “Mono Amarillo”, yellow monkey. His owner was very proud of him, a big older yellow cat that had obviously been around a long time and had many fights under his belt. His owner called him a boxer, a fighter, and his love for this cat was obvious to all of us at the table. It is encounters like this that make our clinics so special to everyone involved.



    There is always a moment in the day that a certain dog or cat touches your heart and makes4ae8c440-f417-47a8-8567-0a85df0066a1.jpg you happy to be there and meet the lovely local Panamanians who go through so much to make life better for their beloved pets. We met a sweet young girl who was so happy about her obviously well cared for cats…and she said she had 10 more at home!

    Lynn Bourbeau bonded with a sad skinny dog that had been brought in by Carmencita. Through all her pain and obvious misery, she wagged her tail and let us know she appreciated the care he was getting from Lynn. Hanny and Gijs took her and they report that she is thriving after being given lots of love and good food.



    They say an army runs on its stomach and that is exactly how it is with Animales. Thanks to our generous volunteers, we always have great food for breakfast, lunch, and snacks and thanks to Jane Hampton and her crew, it is always prepared and presented wonderfully. Many thanks to all who contribute to our kitchen! We welcome all donations – and anything chocolate would be really appreciated for those late afternoon lulls.

    bebd7dc2-652c-48c7-b7c8-ee5288534596.jpgA special thanks to Cynthia Dunne whose photos of the clinics and the volunteers generate great interest on Facebook. Be sure to check us out and like us and share.
    We have wonderful volunteers!



    Our Casino Night party was a great success!
    Lots of fun was had by all those who came and everyone was happy with the prizes they bid on and won. Kathleen Frederick and Debe Emerson and their team made sure that everyone had great food which was beautifully presented. We made $5688.07 which will be split evenly between Buenos Vecinos and Animales. Thank you to all who donated and participated and attended.f31a911f-a84e-4da8-b4f3-492e58b26add.jpg421bbc3b-f257-4d2d-8b42-9a2519c4039c.jpg



    The drawing for our first Annual Fundraiser was held Monday April 15 at Big Daddy’s. The three winners were:

    Diana Lowman, First prize

    Leslie Peever, Second prize

    Terry Becker, third prize.8af33e66-3dda-47a9-9752-4c384fccf94a.jpg

    This was a very successful event in which we sold 133 tickets and raised over $16,000 thanks to our ticket buyers and sponsors and some very special “angel” donors. All the participants understand the impact our service has had on the community and were willing to part with $100 for a chance to win one of our fabulous prizes. We salute and deeply thank these wonderful donors and their commitment to our mission.

    Find the video of the drawing here .



    The next clinic will be Sunday April 28.

    For a reservation, contact Magaly at 6563-8686 by phone or whatsapp, or email at boqueteanimales@gmail.com.5a58268f-0ae8-41d0-99c8-f03894ab17f9.jpg

    To volunteer, contact Alicia at akcleavenger@hotmail.com.

    NOTE: we need towels of all sizes but especially smaller ones like face towels and washcloths. We always lose towels at our clinics as many animals go home wrapped up in the towels they were recovered in. Thank you!

  3. As the Tuesday Talk coordinator for BCP, I wish to extend my thanks and appreciation for the unpaid and undervalued efforts of those volunteers who help us create these videos and disseminate them to our expat community.  Their efforts are greatly appreciated, and this information is made readily available to everyone whenever they need access.  If you are having difficulty viewing the videos, please consult a local technical expert - I am sure they will be able to help you!

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