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Jim Tosch

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Posts posted by Jim Tosch

  1. Just now, Jim Tosch said:


    The Chinese are doing the feasibility study. The Chinese are likely to get the contract to build the train. Does anyone really doubt the study will approve the concept?  As to how long it will take, the Chinese government is short of cash, you could get surprised!

  2. 2 hours ago, TwoSailors said:

    We spent the day Monday getting the paperwork for our E Cedula in PC with our attorneys representative. We asked him what the Panamanians thought of this new train?

    He expressed that if you ask the majority of average Panamanians they will say what is the purpose of this train? For more tourist? He said many people of Panama are tired of all the corruption, lack of improved schools for better education, overcrowded Medical Facilities. Those issues are more important to them than a train to Costa Rica.


  3. depends on how fast you were going and who you are. I got stopped by a motorcycle for going twelve kph too fast. I got out of the car and asked him how much it would cost. He said over 100, maybe 150 he responded while writing the ticket. About then my wife got out of the car. She is Panamanian. They talked for a few minutes, he smiled, completed the ticket and said it would cost me $20 in the Chiriqui Mall. And that is what I paid the next week.

  4. there is no rational for what happens down here. They build airports and roads to nowhere and finish them years later. They just decide to build with no budget for completion. But, one day you drive by and it's open. The market in Boquete received a large grant from a foreign country to be completed. Meanwhile the gov bought boats and radar systems that would not function. There is one new airport that has no scheduled flights. The Ruta Del sur has had a road but no bridge for years but now they are discussing it. It is a combination of mañana, juega vivo , and election results to mention a few. After awhile you just have to shake your head and laugh.

  5. it's joking and playing. Lighten up.

    Panama is not suffering other than some money nobody seems to be able to account for. If I were going to recommend care for Canadians it would be psychiatric. If you think the Panamanian's need a better health care system, you might also look at their education system and their infrastructure, but it is not because they lack money

  6. I will never claim to understand what the US gov does or does not do. Also I should leave out the word gov. Because much of the money comes from the private sector. But next year it is Canada's turn with the commitment to build a fifty million dollar university somewhere in Panama. Maybe Panama should give Canadians free health care.

  7. I don't think many countries ever give aid except to further their own agenda. However self-serving aid is still aid. The fact that the US invests in keeping the canal safe is critically important to Panama. Ironically, the main threat to the canal is the fact that it is so important to the US.. 

  8. Keith, do you really want to make me go to work? I am going to take the easy way out. Take a look at the defense system In Panama. It is completely covered by satellite and marine defense. Last year the Us gave 300 million to Panama, Confession time, much of this is for the stupid drug regime imposed by the US. But, all considered, the US is the most important source of income that PAnama has,

  9. I find irony funny. Reversing hundreds of thousands of years of evolution by means of stupid laws is a laughing matter to me. The fact that our prisons cannot execute criminals without screwing it up with Doctors in charge is beyond belief. A large percentage of people cannot get suicide right which is strong evidence that suicide may be their best choice.

  10. I find irony funny. Reversing hundreds of thousands of years of evolution by means of stupid laws is a laughing matter to me. The fact that our prisons cannot execute criminals without screwing it up with Doctors in charge is beyond belief. A large percentage of people cannot get suicide right which is strong evidence that suicide may be their best choice.

  11. Judy S 

    i am getting a good laugh out of the assisted suicide question. It would be reverse evolution. The capable people would die while the idiots would fail. I had an emergency room nurse tell me that I would be shocked how many people blow the whole front of their face off by aiming the gun straight up instead of back into their brain. Women fail more often than men because they use prescription drugs and wake up with a bad hangover a few days later. I think suicide should be easily available for anyone who wants it and it is in one Euro country. But, it is more difficult than you would suspect.

  12. there are never solutions for all problems. But, before feeling sorry for the Panamanian gov remember there are over a hundred thousand Panamanian's in the US, the US gov gives hundreds of millions in aid to Panama every year. Question why Medicaid doesn't cover expats out of the US where care is much cheaper thus saving the US millions. Why do people have to be terminally ill to receive assisted suicide. Why is suicide illegal in the first place. The Panamanian gov has financial problems because Martinelli spent like a drunken sailor not because of expats receiving a very cheap level of care in regional hospitals. Would a solution be a good thing? Yes, so why don't the two govs initiate a health care treaty.

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