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Lynn Garrett

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Posts posted by Lynn Garrett

  1. I'm wondering if this regulation addresses meds and supplements and creams brought in luggage. We usually get three months of meds from the VA at a time, for minimal cost, sent to my sister's house in the US, then bring it back with us when we visit. Since we go every 6 months, this still requires a package sent after 3 months. Since some of the meds are for cancer and quite expensive, this might be the tipping point for a more rapid permanent move back to the US. More aggressive cancer treatment would necessitate that eventually, but it's a shame to lose the health benefits of our more tranquil lifestyle here sooner than necessary. In fact, if we'll have trouble getting meds here in our luggage, it might mean this is it. Feeling pretty sad to think about it as the result of a messy regulation.

  2. Our wonderful gardener of 4 years, Enrique, has moved to Potrerillos and is looking for new clients there. He is fast, thorough, responsible and completely trustworthy. He cuts our huge yard/double lot for $35, once a month in the rainy season, and does garden cutting and clean-up a few times a year for an additional $40. He'll happily come see what you want and give you a quote. He speaks little English, but my beginner's Spanish, plus charades, was enough to communicate clearly when we first arrived. Contact me for further reference, or you can call his cousin who speaks English at 6652 0876  or Enrique at 6587 7235 in Spanish to set up a quote. He also does painting and other house projects.

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