A basic knowledge of geology is a good thing to have, particularly in Boquete.Free caravan style geologyfield trips are now scheduled for January and February, beginning on January 3.All field trips meet at San Francisco Plaza and require cars and drivers willing to take a few extra riders.
The field trips are provided by Dr. Paul Myers, Emeritus faculty, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire.He is assistedon most trips by geologist Martita Stearns.
Thefirst field trip schedule is as follows:
January 3.Beginner tripcalled Reading the Landscape.8:30 – 1:30.
January 7:Surficial Processes.This is a new trip of the Caldera River Valley.It is recommended for those who have been on other trips and will focus on processes such as soil formation, landslides, mudflows, ashflows and floods.8:30 – 1:30.
January 11:Beginner trip.Reading the Landscape.8:30-1:30.
January 14:Baru Volcano– Debris Avalanche.8:00 – 3:00 or later.
February 13:Caldera/Gualaca.Pyroclastic flows and petroglyphs.
To register for a field trip or for more information write to:fieldtripboquete@gmail.com. If registering, please indicate the following:
1.Thenumberandnamesof people who will participate in field trip.
2.Whether you have a car andare willing to drive.
How many people you can accommodate besides your own party
3.Whether you need a ride
When we receive your request you will receive a confirmation email telling you what time to meet and what you need to bring with you.Thank you!