Come join us in a discussion of "Unexpected." The discussion group will be from 2 to 3:30 pm on Tuesday, January 21 at the home of Joyce and Scott Kinnear in Santa Lucia.
To get you thinking,
"The Call" by Lynn Ungar
The call comes on a stunningly
ordinary telephone: the doctor
telling you the test is positive,
the agency saying that you have a child,
the lover who left so long ago
wanting to make amends.
Suddenly the earth tilts.
The path you thought to follow to the lake
heads sharply up the mountains.
The trail through the dense woods
comes around the bend into an open meadow.
Of course you weren’t prepared.
Who knows how to dress
for such a journey? Listen.
Inside your ear there is a high,
insistent ringing. What do you
suppose might happen
if you should answer?
Lynn’s book of poetry, Bread and Other Miracles, is available at